• Applying the New Cosmology to Current Issues, Institutional Change, and Movement Building

    Manila joins the climate march, organized by Elizabeth Carranza and John Leydon and others.

  • Re-visioning Therapy, Bringing in a Cosmic Perspective
  • Spiritual Direction inside an Evolving Universe
  • Bringing the New Cosmology to Church Based Centers
  • Starting an “Earth Church,“ a center not affiliated with any particular religion
  • Reinventing Images of God Ritual/practices
  • Applying a deeptime perspective to diversity and anti-bias work
  • Cosmic and Deeptime Education
  • Deep Psychology and the New Cosmology
  • Indigenous and Ecozoic ways of knowing
  • Non-human consciousness — Animal, Plant, etc.
  • Curriculum for Humanity — What humans need to know at this point in evolution
  • Feminine wisdom and the New Cosmology
  • Nature/Gardening as portals to a big picture and a rich spiritual life.
  • Creative Arts and the New Cosmology – Art/Writing/Filmmaking Projects

    Gail Worcelo, far right, at Green Mountain Monastery.

  • Exploring futurist thinkers — Joanna Macy, John Seed, Charles Eisenstein, Terry Patten, Naomi Klein, Bill Plotkin, Michael Dowd, Gregory Bateson, Fritjof Capra.
  • The Pluriverse, Cosmology and Social Justice
  • Sharing the New Creation Story with the World
  • Science as Scripture to Deepen Our Spirituality