The practices in this folder, accessible by clicking on the blue button above, emanated from a course (Creating Ecozoic Practices) which I taught in April/May 2023 for the Deeptime Network.

Thomas Berry created the term “Ecozoic” to describe an era following the current Cenozoic Era, one in which humans have a mutually enhancing relationship with Earth. How do we tap into the deepest part of ourselves to create personal and communal practices that will help continue to birth an Ecozoic Era? Participants in the course were invited to experience that sense of communion with the larger creative field and develop practices that are needed for our time as we face the uncontrollable collapse of so many of the world’s eco systems.

They are now happy to share their practices with you for your personal reflection; for educational purposes and for retreats and reflection sessions.

In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis invites us to share more than a “green” ideological agenda, rather he challenges us to learn to relate to all of creation with awe and wonder, realizing that “everything is, as it were, a caress of God.” (84)


During the course participants visited an other than human entity regularly.

“The earth is not something outside of us.
Breathing with Mindfulness, and contemplating your body,
You realise that you are earth.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Participants allowed themselves to contemplate, slow down and be within all that is.

“We especially need to hear the voices of creatures before it is too late.”
– Thomas Berry: The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth. (2009:73)


“Now, however we might recognize that these regions where wildflowers grow and where birds nest have become infinitely valuable as places more needed than ever by the human spirit.”

(ibid 2009:77)


Through image, music, movement, meditation and trusting emergence the course participants shared their practices for all to experience.

It is with delight that we now share them with you.”

Margie Abbott RSM

