Dr. Elizabeth Coe, A Great Life

Big Picture Montessorian

November 12, 1946 – August 15, 2023

With deep sadness we share the news that Dr. Elizabeth Coe, founder of the Houston Montessori Center (one of the largest Montessori teacher training centers in the US) died last week. She was an absolute giant in the Montessori world, a former AMS (American Montessori Society) president and legacy. I worked with her for over ten years, coming to Texas every year in June to launch the teacher training with a Deeptime Cosmic Perspective. Betsy always wanted the teachers (adult learners) to start their training with a BIG PICTURE. She brought together teachers of ALL levels — Infant/Toddler through Secondary — to experience and be inspired/guided by the Big Cosmic Picture. I would stay in her home and we’d go to dinner with her husband Ray, Ann Sutton, and Lynne Aiken, often going for an ice cream Sunday as well. I think of all the precious conversations with Betsy and Ray and the entire HMS team over all these many years. They resonate through time.  I think of the thousands of teachers out in the world now who were trained by Betsy and the HMS team.  Dearest Betsy, you have done the Great Work my dear friend and it will ripple on through the ages. You will be remembered by all of us with love, reverence, and deep gratitude. Love, Jennifer Morgan

Here is a link to the Houston Montessori Center. Click here!

To read an obit written by Tim Seldin, click on the blue button above.