Advance notice: Advent in the New Universe Story is a four-session resource for those interested in deepening their understanding of the Christmas/ Incarnation reality in the context of the new creation story. The Incarnation is a Mystery that a lifetime of contemplation would not exhaust, and yet we are continually called to explore this Mystery, and specifically during Advent. This resource provides reflections that are useful for individuals, but designed for faith groups. The weeks’ topics include the following:
New Consciousness, New Christian Understanding;
The Cosmos Prepares for New Life;
Evolving Understanding of Humanity’s Place in Creation; and
Incarnation Revisited.
This 10-page resource is available free:

  • Original Release Date (Year): 2014
  • Used by people who call the work: The New Story
  • Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Ecology/Sustainability, Religion/Spirituality
  • Learning Stages: Lifelong
  • Type: Document
  • Keywords: Advent, Christmas, Incarnation, New Universe Story, Creation
  • Why I love this Resource: This resource helps users better understand their Christian beliefs within the Cosmic Story.
  • Link to Resource: Click here
  • Posted By: Terri MacKenzie
  • Date Added: September 9, 2014