This is an article that will soon be published in our school’s newsletter, the Community Times. It was inspired by my student’s final essay reflections in the Big History of Earth and Space Science seminar that we recently concluded this semester. The insights in these essays were so moving, and so illustrated the ideal outcomes of Big History, that I felt compelled to share them with our families and with all of you on the Deep Time Journey Network. I hope you find them as moving as I do.

  • Used by people who call the work: Big History, Montessori Cosmic Education
  • Learning Stages: Secondary 9 - 12
  • Type: Article
  • Keywords: Big, History, Cosmic, Education
  • Why I love this Resource: I love this resource because the students say everything I want to say about Big History, only better.
  • File:
  • Posted By: Kyle Herman
  • Date Added: May 5, 2015