• Brian Tucker posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Greetings fellow DTJN members,

    I’m helping this year in our Synagogue here in Princeton, NJ (Reconstructionist Synagogue of Princeton/String of Pearls) by being on the committee for our Hebrew School. We have about 7 children to date who are a mix of ages from 6 – 12 (Grades 1 – 6+). Our school runs an abbreviated schedule consisting of 25 sessions (Mondays starting at 4pm) each lasting about 2.5 hours which only leaves about an hour for Hebrew lessons and an hour on Jewish culture. I’m working this year to try introducing some of the “Journey of the Universe”/Cosmic Education components integrated with Jewish ethics and culture into our curriculum. Can you suggest any materials which might be helpful in our efforts to bring about this integration? One approach I’m championing is to have the kids outdoors more often and one of our Hebrew School teachers has run an outdoor adventure program for children, so that’s a big help (except when winter arrives!). Are there other resources you can suggest (the big publishers like Berhman House and Torah Aura just don’t seem to have this kind of material).

    Will greatly appreciate your assistance.

    Best regards,

    Brian Tucker

    • Dear Brian,,,

      That is exactly what I’m searching for also Brian. For a while now I’ve been searching for materials to teach Big History to children (ages 6:12) in a charity organization here in Egypt. Though it’s a bit harder for me, because I haven’t taught children before (my specialization is political science research). I’ve currently postponed preparing a curriculum until I find a salaried job or PhD scholarship. I would love to send you the resources (papers) I’ve been sent to help me, though they’re few, they’re good as a starter 😉

      As for specifically wanting to integrate the Journey of the Universe with Jewish ethics, have you tried contacting Prof. Fred Spier? He’s Jewish, but secular, though he’s truly the most beautiful human I’ve been in contact with ever since my father ♥ Perhaps he might give you a unique glimpse in this matter…

      By the way, your interest in Evolutionary Spirituality have really sparked me, I will search this term further, because it seems very relevant to my interests. And I have to add that the quote you’ve mentioned for John Gardner has nearly brought tears into my eyes ♥

      I will send you my email & Prof. Spier’s in a private message, because I don’t know how to send you the resources other than by a zip folder through email…