Module 1: Encountering the Universe

An Introduction to the New Cosmology

(11 weeks)
Section 1: Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 PM ET (US): Sept. 20, 2023 – Dec. 13, 2023
Section 2: Fridays 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET (US): Sept. 22, 2023 – Dec. 15, 2023

Week 1 (Sept. 20, 22)Course Overview and Introductions —  Where do we see transformation happening and a call for leadership? What’s trying to be born now? Where do we feel called to make a contribution?

Week 2 (Sept. 27, 29): Home Pod Meetings — Co-creating a Learning Community — Together we’ll create a set of best practices for conscious communication in our online Deeptime gatherings.

Week 3 (Oct. 4, 6): Principle One — Context with Stephan Martin and Jennifer Morgan —  Steve and Jennifer will illustrate how the Universe is our largest context and will explore how this makes a difference for our for leadership and our way of being.

Week 4 (Oct. 11, 13): Home Pod Meetings — What are the implications of a cosmic context for leadership and our lives?  

Week 5 (Oct. 18, 20): Principle Two — Matrix: Embeddedness/Relationships with Sarbmeet Kanwal. Quantum Theory tells us that everything is part of a vast field of creativity.  This utterly transforms our world view of humans as being separate to one of relationality with the whole.

Fall break – no class on Oct 25 or 27

Week 6 (Nov. 1, 3): Home Pod MeetingsWe explore embeddedness and relationality and the implications for leadership and our way of being in the world.  Marianne Rowe introduces the practice of Emergent Dialogue.

Week 7 (Nov. 8, 10): Principle Three — Subjectivity and Leadership with Brian Swimme. Brian Swimme will explore the power of auto-cosmology, in which our subjectivity and personal stories are expressions of the Story of the Universe.

Week 8 (Nov. 15, 17): Home Pod MeetingsOrla Hazra will discuss the power of academic, therapeutic and homiletic languages in an exploration of  ways of communicating.  Applying the principle of “Interiority,” we explore how understanding that the whole universe has interiority (subjectivity) changes leadership and our way of being.  For Certificate track, Margie Abbott will offer introduce ways to prepare meditations for an Ecozoic Era.

NO CLASS Nov. 22nd & 24th

Week 9 (Nov. 29, Dec. 1): Principle Four — Action: Enacting the Ecozoic with John Leydon and Bing Carranza (Weds), and Robert Athickal (Fri). Action inside a deeptime perspective is aligning with evolution to bring about an Ecozoic Era. Our presenters will highlight ways they have aligned with Deeptime Action to create large-scale changes in their respective communities around the world.

Week 10 (Dec. 6, 8):   Pod Meetings – Applying the principle of “Action” within groups. How does understanding that the whole universe is a single entity growing and developing itself change leadership, action, and our way of being?

Week 11 (Dec. 13, 15):  Final Integration — Celebration of the fruits of our journey together and harvesting inspirations for the future.


Module 2:  Expressing the Universe

Applying the New Cosmology (Case Studies)

(10 weeks)
Section 1: Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 PM ET (US): Jan. 10, 2024 – March 20, 2024
Section 2: Fridays 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET (US): Jan. 12, 2024 – March 22, 2024

Special interest areas – Educators, students, religious & spiritual, therapists, politicians/ activists/movement builders, Economics, creatives, others

Week 1 (Jan. 10, 12):  Course Overview and Introductions —  Applying principles to birthing the Ecozoic and the kind of leadership and way of being that will take into a new Era.

Week 2 (Jan. 17, 19)Principle One — Context and Leadership with Brian Swimme. Brian Swimme will explore the power of auto-cosmology, in which our subjectivity and personal stories are expressions of the Story of the Universe.

Week 3 (Jan. 24, 26): Home and Certificate Pods. 

Week 4 (Jan.31 & Feb. 2):  Principle Two –– Matrix – Application Spotlight:  Relational Creativity. Deeptime artists Clifford Berrien and Ambie Abano will lead us in creativity practices that interweave our experience with each other and with the larger field of universal creativity. 

Week 5 (Feb. 7, 9):  Marianne Rowe leads us in the transformational practice of Emergent Dialogue, a practice that tunes into a larger field of creativity, inspiring and enabling each person to speak and lead from that larger field.

NO CLASS FEB. 14th & 16th

Week 6 (Feb 21, 23):  Principle Three — Subjectivity – Application Spotlight: Deeptime and Therapy.  Deeptime therapists Kim Bella, Marianne Rowe, Rebecca Strong, Lisa Verni, and M.J. Zimmerman in conversation about how they apply Deeptime principles in their therapy practice.

Week 7 (Feb. 28 & March 1):   Home and  Certificate Track Pods. For Certificate track, we will continue practicing and mentoring each other on Deeptime meditations for an Ecozoic Era. Margie Abbott will offer mentoring in Deeptime meditation.

Week 8 (March 6, 8):  Principle Four — Deeptime Leadership in Action. We collectively explore practices to interweave and align our individual actions with those of the collective. 

Week 9 (March 13, 15):  Home and  Certificate Track Pods. Course participants share a Deeptime story in home pods, demonstrating how Deeptime storytelling and examples can inspire leadership in this field.

Week 10 (March 20, 22):  Final Integration with Sarbmeet Kanwal — Celebration of the fruits of our journey together and the power of a shared cosmic story to inspire and empower ourselves and others for the future.


Module 3:  Embodying the Universe

Deeptime Leadership Practicum

(10 weeks)
Section 1: Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 PM ET (US): April 3, 2024 – June 12, 2024
Section 2: Fridays 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET (US): April 5, 2024 – June 14, 2024


Week 1 (April 3, 5):  Course Overview and Deeptime Discernment with Brian Thomas Swimme.  Where do you see transformation happening and a call for leadership?  Where do you feel called to make a contribution?  Brian Thomas Swimme will join us to help evoke our allurements inside a Deeptime context.

Week 2 (April 10, 12)Applying Leadership in a Deeptime Context with Matthew FoxWhat is Deeptime action in this expanded context.  How do we reinvent work?

Week 3 (April 17, 19)Home Pods

Week 4 (April 24, 26):  Applying Leadership in a Deeptime Matrix: The Earth Charter, Laudato Si and other International Initiatives, with Mary Evelyn Tucker.  Mary Evelyn, one of the authors of the Earth Charter will connect Deeptime Principles with everyday actions and international movements.

Week 5 (May 1, 3):  Home Pods

No Class May 8th & 10th

Week 6 (May 15, 17): Deeptime Leadership and Subjectivity.  We’ll share inspiring examples of how people have applied these Deeptime Leadership principles on the ground in organizations and communities around the world.

Week 7 (May 22, 24):  Home Pods

Week 8 (May 29, 31):  Deeptime Leadership and Action: Leading for the Deep Future with Yona FrenchHawk.  Yona, Cherokee wisdom keeper, will show us how an indigenous way of leadership and being brings us deeply in tune with the deep past, deep future and deep present.

Week 9 (June 5, 7):  Home Pods

Week 10 (June 12, 14):  Integration and Awarding Certificates

All Deeptime Graduates meeting – September 13th, 11 am US eastern time