Certificate Benefits and Requirements (All Three Modules)


Small Group Meetings with lead teacher Stephan Martin and/or other mentors throughout the program – five times in module 1 during weeks 1, 4, 7, 9, 11; four times in module 2; and four times in module 3.  (See below for specific weeks.)

Receive Mentoring on Your Project from teachers and others in the course and wider Deeptime Network.

Meditation Mentoring  Deeptime meditation coordinators will be reaching out to you to begin mentoring you in leading Deeptime-oriented meditations, starting in Module 2.

Referral Service Listed in site referral service and networking opportunities after the program

Follow up Meetings After Program:  Certification cohort will meet three times in the year after the program for additional support.  Certificate recipients will have the opportunity to visit next year’s leadership training.

The post-program Deeptime Leaders gathering dates for next year are:

Sept 6, 2023, 7-8 pm EST (this gathering is just for graduates of the 2023 DTL program)
Jan 5th, 2024, 11am-12pm EST
May 8, 2024, 7-8pm EST

Requirements for all Three Modules

Demonstrate knowledge & competency through quizzes, reflection assignments, leading meditations, and other assignments in each module.  For quizzes, scroll to the bottom of the session pages and click on “View the Lesson Quiz.”  Eighty percent is required to pass.  You can retake a quiz if needed.  If you do a reset, be sure to save your open ended answers so you can paste them into the new quiz.

Prepare a Reflection or Creative Express at the end of each module. Please submit a one-page (500 words or less) reflection or creative expression on how has the material and your experience in this module deepened your understanding of yourself, your leadership role in your community, and your work in the world?

Develop and Present a Deeptime Project of your choice, as an individual or with others, in Module 3. By week 6 of Module 2, please submit a description of your project to Steve. A separate document on the project and its requirements is forthcoming.

Attendance Requirement:  Please attend 80% or more of the live sessions. If you can’t make a session, then please let us know and view the recording.

Completion Requirement:  Satisfactory completion (80% or higher) of all assessments.

Invite guests to the final session of Module 3, where participants will be encouraged to share and celebrate their projects with the Deeptime community and invited guests.

Become a Deeptime Ambassador:  Certificate recipients are encouraged to build bridges and share their deeptime perspective with other like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities.


Participants Getting Certified

To see a list of Participants Getting certified, click here.
Feel free to contact each other through the site messaging system.  🙂

Info and Requirements for Module 1

Meeting schedule for certificate people: we meet during Learning pod weeks (1, 4, 7, 9).

Benchmarks for project:   Quizzes in weeks 3, 5, 8, and 10.  Please complete by the following week.

Attendance: – please attend 80% or more of the live sessions

Deeptime meditation leadership:  In module 2 you’ll be asked to lead a deeptime meditation.  Please contact Penny with any changes and feel free to trade dates with one another if you like. Penny will also send out Deeptime meditation guidelines to you as well, and feel free to practice with Penny, myself, or each other.  (See more meditation information below including link to schedule.)

Deeptime/Ecozoic project and presentation: We’re planning to have a public Deeptime project showcase at end of program (Module 3)



Info and Requirements for Module 2

Meeting schedule for certificate people: we meet during Learning pod weeks (1, 5, 7, 9).  Not week 3 since we’ll be with Marianne

Benchmarks:  These benchmarks are designed to go from discernment to action.  In module 2, use these principles — Context, Matrix, Interiority, Action — to outline the plan of action for module three.   Benchmarks are available as quizzes in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8.  Please complete by the following week.  In module 3, you’ll carry this project into the world with the support of course community.

Attendance: – please attend 80% or more of the live sessions

Deeptime meditation leadership:  You should have the current schedule. Please contact Penny with any changes and feel free to trade dates with one another if you like. Penny will also send out Deeptime meditation guidelines to you as well, and feel free to practice with Penny, myself, or each other.

Deeptime/Ecozoic project and presentation: We’re planning to have a public Deeptime project showcase at end of program (Module 3)



Benchmark Questions (Module 2)

Please answer these questions in the quiz format in sessions 2, 4, 6, and 8.

What is the Context out of which your project and/or current allurement is arising? What are the contexts, life circumstances, communities your project will impact or benefit? How is this context a holon inside of the larger Whole?
Session 2, click here

What is the community in which your project and/or allurement is embedded? Who are the human and non-human stakeholders for the project? How can the matrix and embeddedness of the project be a support for its expression in the world?
Session 4, click here

How is your own interiority guiding this project’s expression into the world and impacting your own interiority?  Does your project influence the interiority of others and if so, how? How might others perceive and experience your project?
Session 6, click here

How will you guide this project into the world? If relevant, please outline concrete action steps you plan to take to express this project in the world, with a timeline for action, if possible.  Describe ways you are using and applying Deeptime thinking and principles in expressing your allurement into the world and your project.
Session 8, click here


Info and Requirements for Module 3

Meeting schedule for certificate people: we meet during Learning pod weeks (1, 4, 7, 10).

Benchmarks for projectBy Week 3: On the project padlet page, post your project title, description, scope of project, and timeline for this module. Where will you be with this project by Week 10? Who will benefit?

Attendance: – please attend 80% or more of the live sessions

Deeptime meditation leadership:  You should have the current schedule. Please contact Penny with any changes and feel free to trade dates with one another if you like. Penny will also send out Deeptime meditation guidelines to you as well, and feel free to practice with Penny, myself, or each other.

Deeptime/Ecozoic project and presentation: Plan to present your Deeptime project (5 minutes presentation, 3 mins Q&A) in the showcase in week 9 (Module 3).

To see examples of past Certification projects click here

Meditation Info

To see where you are on the meditation schedule, click here.


Meditation Guide

Penny Andrews is organizing the meditation schedule and sending guideline info for the Friday section.
Penny Andrews, D.Min, MA, has had a lifelong interest in spirituality, creativity and consciousness as paths to intuition and deeper knowing. This passion led to the study of forms of art as meditation at the University of Creation Spirituality. She is an ordained interfaith minister, and during her career as a hospital chaplain applied a variety of healing modalities in her work with patients and family caregivers of all spiritual backgrounds.  A retreat leader and Earth activist, Penny been actively involved in Creation Spirituality, The Work that Reconnects, the Earth Charter and DeepTime studies.  Currently, she guides a weekly Work that Reconnects meditation, offers a monthly webinar with Gail Ransom called Creation in Crisis, serves on the board of directors of Creation Spirituality Communities, is a regular speaker at a local Unitarian Universalist congregation, and provides spiritual companioning for others.  She is co-creating a food forest on the drumlin in Wisconsin where she has lived for 30 years.



Cover Message
Here’s the cover message that people on the certificate track regarding guidelines for their meditation.

Dear [Potential Leader],

So glad you can lead the meditation on 2024.

We’re guiding people in how to transition into the meditation and essentialize the experience so it can be powerful and transformative.

  1. Reflect on the Deeptime Principle for your session before creating your meditation.
  2. To start, invite people to close their eyes and take a breath.
  3. Please keep your words to no more than 200, preferably less, and within the time frame of 3 minutes.  When you speak, let your words drop into the silence in a slow and meditative pace.
  4. Create lots of silence  (similar to Lectio Diving)
  5. Repeat key words or phrases, ( Optional)
  6. Practice  to see how it feels for you and adjust

Here are our Meditation Guidelines for further reference.

Please let me know what you are thinking of sharing on that day and if you need any tech support.

I’ll let Steve know the flow and logistics for the morning’s offering and if any tech support is needed.



Meditation Guidelines (Longer doc)

Here’s the link to a longer doc describing meditation guidelines.   Click here!


Please read two papers before week 5 session with Margie Abbott

  1.  Holding a Group and Leading Meditations in an Ecozoic Era, by Margie Abbott click here.
  2.  Insight Dialogue Instructions by Gregory Kramer which will be up on the Session 5 page shortly.