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Teresa ODonnell

I appreciate this forum to share my journey through the past week.

The night before the results a friend and I were recalling how grief and disappointment often lead to something new. Painful but beneficial gifts only seen in the rear view mirror.

When I heard the election results I felt immediate  grief and anxiety and decided to have all the feelings that grief brings. I have cried, been scared and cried some more. I made a list of things I would do for the next 4 years.

Examples from my list. Everyday I will write a poem that does not have to be good, smile at someone I don’t know, practice yoga and meditation to calm myself.

Take a trip once a month, host a dinner party once a month, tutor second graders in reading, avoid the news, learn and practice Reiki.

This is the first poem I wrote.

A feeling of falling

into the abyss

into surrender

into creativity

into panic

into acceptance

over and over again.

I also had a dream. I was at my childhood home and there was a tall man with a clown wig on going from window to window taunting my dogs and scaring me. He would not go away. I closed the blinds and he left.

I am feeling very spiritually connected and writing my daily poem after meditating on scripture or a Mary Oliver poem. I feel like this is my small but necessary part to add some positive energy to the Universe. I cannot watch, listen or read any news. Just an accidental headline sends me into a panic. Guarding my serenity feels like the most important thing right now. This could change but for now it’s all I’ve got.

Love and peace to all,
