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Douglas Bonar

As I ponder the election results, I reflect on my participation in the outcome.  What did I do and what did I not do – consciously or unconsciously – to help manifest the outcome?  And I know, without in any way beating myself up, that financial investments that I’ve made and lifestyle choices that I continue to make – supported the ego-driven and profit-driven crusade placing Mr. Trump back at the helm of the country.  I further know that I did not go all in to use my knowledge of interconnectedness and my talents in communicating to support the deeptime vision which may have affected even one vote in “our” direction.  (Recognizing, of course, that we are one.)  The elections, thus, remind me that it is time for me to awaken to my full potential – to manifest my authentic power as suggested by Gary Zukov. I urge all of us to look deeply within.  Perhaps, as I need to do, make different investment and lifestyle choices.  But, as importantly, bring forth our sacred gifts for the benefit of humanity and the living Earth.  This is the time of awakening. Who am I really?  And what then is now mine to do?  And so I begin.  Feeling blessed.