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Jacqueline Motzel

On election day afternoon I attended a funeral service where the closing song was
Canticle of the Turning. The repeated last phrase in the refrain and verses were the
words “… and the world is about to turn!” Considering the election those words stirred
hope in my heart, anticipation, expectation and joy in my life. The long-awaited day had
come, only minutes away now until voting results would be coming in. I was ready.
Quicker than I thought the lightness of the evening turned into a dark night. Earlier than
planned I went to bed only to wake in the wee hours of morning, reach for my smart
phone and confirm the intuitive hunch lurching in my thoughts. I laid there for a while
ruminating on the future days of our country, our universe, my life – all cowering under a

Realizing my thoughts were going south and wanting desperately to get out of that lane,
I turned on the light, picked up the notebook resting on the bedside stand and started
writing whatever came to mind. My plan was to scribble night notes, read their briefings
in the morning and hopefully identify a meaningful path to follow into the future.
Initial unedited post-election thoughts:
. Do what is doable for me
. Be thankful for the Deeptime Network, Cosmology and Autocosmology learnings
. Delete non useful and space occupying computer programs and messages
. Live life focused and fully
. Avoid wasting energy on what I can do nothing about
. Go with the flow and pay attention
. Ride the horse in the direction it is going
. Make connections that give life to others
. Feel privileged and grateful to be living in these tumultuous times
. Relish the journey
. Sprinkle stardust on our Nation’s future; see where it goes, do what I can with what the
people have chosen
. Throw handfuls of peace and love into each thought, encounter and remembrance –
then let go
. Don’t waste time on negative energy
. Create a world of peace, love and joy as opportunities arise

Reading these thoughts in the light of day reveals their primary focus to be on self-care.
Intentionally choosing thoughts to ponder and behaviors to make visible could become
launchpads for moving forward amid national turmoil and make a positive difference in
that movement.

These are truly trying times. It is now a week plus out from Election Day. Decisions,
appointments, meetings and actions are causing our country to look less than familiar.
Potential turmoil looms at every turn but this chaos is not necessarily true for us. This is because we believe the words Thomas Berry spoke to Brian Swimme and by extension to all of us. “First and foremost, you are a cosmological being. Which means I’m the Universe in the mode of a human”. (Cosmogenesis p.212) Think about that because it makes a huge difference. We are not victims.

Seeing the turmoil through this lens adds insight and assurance that what we are experiencing is a new civilization laboring to give birth. It is a crisis for sure, but one that urges us to use our authentic power to make responsible choices for bettering the space we touch by our lives. Autocosmology has given us the tools needed to make this happen and the skills to do the job

A fertile place to begin might be stepping back for a moment and taking a long graced- glance over what is before us. Then step closer to discern something personally doable to improve the situation. The chosen action may be large, small or in between. In any case its framework needs to hold authentic influence, accurate content and meaningful effectiveness for essential change to happen with consistency, coherence and continuity. Behaviors such as these have staying power and stand firmly in their own truth. Can we do that? Of courses we can. We are the chosen ones to be on planet earth at this moment. Our presence is our currency. Beyond doubt we have what it takes. It is ours to name, claim and tame. The Universe has our back.

Visualize yourself standing on a threshold gazing out into the depths of Universe space where a pinpoint of primal light steadily expands through billions of years pausing for a tender embrace as it reaches you. Surrounded in light and accompanied with courage and compassion, you walk forward with steady confidence on a secured path carefully designed to receive your footprints. Trusting the Universe and its ever-evolving primal star, you note signposts to be tended along the way … incompetence … injustice …
fear … corruption … distrust … turmoil … chaos … . You pay attention because “the world is about to turn”.