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Mimi Maloney

Dear Deep-time Network,

I find this poem very helpful at this difficult time in our world.

I have not yet finished my auto-cosmology but am working on it.

Thank you all for your insights and support over these last several weeks.

Mimi Maloney



Dark and cold we may be, but this

Is no winter now. The frozen misery

Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;

The thunder is the thunder of the floes,

The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.

Thank God our time is now when wrong

Comes up to face us everywhere,

Never to leave us till we take

The longest stride of soul we ever took.

Affairs are now soul size.

The enterprise

Is exploration into God.

Where are you making for? It takes

So many thousand years to wake,

But will you wake for pity’s sake!

-Christopher Fry