A course that turns the healing paradigm on its head, exploring how we each contribute to the collective evolution through our individual healing – a life process that is an expression of our evolving Earth and Universe, as well as our greatest act of leadership.  This is a deep dive into a non-pie-in-the-sky concept of healing that can be applied to everyday living.

This is a 6-hour course over 4 weeks – it will take place on Zoom from 12pm – 1:30pm EST every Friday starting from February 17, 2023 and ending on March 10, 2023.

The course explores:

Week 1: Healing UN-defined:

  • The meaning of healing in an evolutionary context
  • Personal healing as an act of leadership and evolution

Week 2: The relationship with your evolving world:

  • Your relationship with Mother Earth and our Universe
  • Microcosm to macrocosm – BE-ing an expression of our Universe
  • Your personal truth and how it has a ripple effect on evolution

Week 3: Taking up personal leadership:

  • Freeing yourself from constructs and definitions that no longer serve you
  • Individuality as your greatest strength.
  • The Five Building Blocks of UN-Becoming as a means to heal to your next evolutionary level

Week 4:  Personal leadership for our collective healing:

  • What you bring to the table in an evolving world
  • Nourishing our evolution – what will I birth?
  • Effecting change collectively for our global human and non-human family (including our biosphere and geosphere)

This course is for you if:

  • You want to explore healing as an act of leadership.
  • You want to heal to your next evolutionary level.
  • You want to honour your relationship with self and honour yourself in your relationships with your fellow BE-ings.
  • You feel called but you don’t know what you feel called to, and you want to fulfil that space of seeking. You find yourself asking silently, “How may I serve?”
  • You want to build a stronger relationship with Mother Earth, her biosphere and her geosphere.
  • You feel called, as part of the conscious collective, to heal Mother Earth.

This course will benefit:

    • Therapists
    • Healers
    • Artists
    • Coaches
    • Pioneers
    • Teachers
    • Parents
    • Community leaders
    • Team and organisation leaders
    • Global citizens who wish to contribute to BE-ing the evolutionary change they wish to see in our world (bringing in the Ecozoic era) through their work.