Leadership Registrars 2023-2024
Houston, USA
Areas of Interest:
Background: I started my work life as a pediatric ICU nurse. I went back to school and received an MBA and worked for most of my career at a software company I started with my brother and sister-in-law. Five years before retirement my brother and I started a non-profit to help refugees start small urban farming businesses in Houston. I was the executive director. I am now retired for 6 years. I paint and write poetry. I was raised Roman Catholic and still have an attraction to the church. However I am not attending regularly. I am struggling with the patriarchy. I’m actually confused about the journey I am on. I am searching. I have had my eyes opened at Springbank Retreat Center in Kingstree, SC. It is a very spiritual place and I feel most at home with myself when I am there. They teach about the new cosmology. The resident priest, Jim Conlon, is a student of Thomas Berry and a contemporary of Brian Swimme and Matthew Fox. Stephan Martin presented at Springbank while I was there. I am super inspired about the new cosmology. I find my self struggling to find words to explain what I have learned and how my spirituality is shifting. I want to learn more and be in community with others on this journey.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/tcannie0305/
Cary, NC USA
Areas of Interest:
Background: I work in the field of environmental research but I received a Masters In Pastoral Studies with an emphasis on spirituality and ecology. I was introduced in that program to the teachings of Thomas Berry and worked with my university to preserve a large number of recordings of Berry lecturing at the university. From those materials I developed a retreat series and began a monthly lectio divina gathering. The lectio group that I facilitate is based on Berry’s teachings but also brings in Brian Swimme, Teilhard, and others. While I have engaged extensively with these teachings I am the one determining the course of the discussions from my own understandings. What draws me to this program is the opportunity to engage with new teachings in a learning mode to bring in new insights to my own life and to learn from others how these teachings are affecting them and how they are bringing them into the world.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/cslenox/
Brockville, Canada
Areas of Interest:
Background: After 25 years of leading communities of faith as an ordained minister, I am loving the freedom of retirement and the opportunity to lead in new ways. I am a poet, and much of my inspiration comes in the intersection of nature and words. The New Universe story is a magnificent dance partner with scripture and sacred story. I want to dance too!
I am a spiritual director.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/wendymaclean/
Pittsburgh, USA
Areas of Interest:
Background: I have a PhD in theology and religious studies and am trained as a spiritual director. I do both individual and group spiritual direction and teach theology and ethics at Duquesne University.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/joesmith/
Masonville, Colorado USA
Areas of Interest:
Background: My first engagement with New Cosmology was a workshop with Brian Swimme & Matt Fox in 1988. I have been supportive of the work of Miriam MacGillis and Genesis Farm since the mid-1990’s. I recently retired (2021) from my 41-year career has an APC Board Certified Chaplain working primarily in acute care hospital settings. I’m interested in how my participation in this program may benefit OTHERs at this “sage-ing” stage of my life.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/brippe/
Warrenville, Illinois. USA
Areas of Interest:
Background: That’s my main concern about this program. My background is in transportation—school bus driver and route facilitator. I have pursued my passion for science, cosmology, and spirituality on my own, participating in group work along the way, attending many conferences and talks, doing a lot of reading,, currently attending ‘Church of the Wild’ services; but I have no real deep background in any one organized program that might benefit the larger community. I would like to move in that direction, tho. From inspiration to activism.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/mwatters/
Louisville, United States
Areas of Interest:
Background: My personal and professional lives center on the nexus between the natural, the spiritual, and the cultural. I am most passionate about building bridges of harmonious mutuality among diverse communities and between human society and the natural world. At Interfaith Paths to Peace, I steward the Kentucky Interfaith Network, contribute to operational strategy, and lead community-wide Mindfulness for Peacebuilding workshops which include instruction in several traditions of meditation.
My childhood religious upbringing was primarily within Unity, a new-thought Christian school which remains an influence in my life. Yoga and meditation entered my consciousness at age eight, a path that continues to serve as a central pillar of my spiritual practice and in which I was certified to teach in 2018. I also find great fulfillment in studying and integrating practices from other traditions, feeling especially resonant with Taoism, indigeneity, Tibetan Buddhism, Shaktism, and mystical traditions including Kabballah and Sufi. As such, my spiritual life is now best described as multi-faith and Earth-based.
With personal, professional, and spiritual allurements ranging far and wide, I am sometimes unsure of where, how, and when to focus my efforts. I believe this program will help me discern more clearly the core of my gifts and the role they play in ushering in the Ecozoic, how to engage them on the levels of the head, heart, and will, and further how to apply them within interpersonal and transpersonal contexts. I believe participating in this program is the next natural step along my path.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/kdovico/
Paso Robles, California
Areas of Interest:
Background: I am a pianist and piano teacher, simply put. Music has been my greatest teacher. I have also, from a young age, felt moved into something that was larger. This became a calling to “tell the story”, to be able to use music and language, practices, new forms of engagement, to cultivate change. This personal work has been emerging for a while, but became more urgent and re-invigorated over the last few years. I believe this program found me – a source of connection with people that also want to do this work, an expansion of the ideas that have already been transformative for me, and to help guide me in responding to this extraordinary challenge. We are at the beginning of something, we are explorers pressing into the boundaries of evolution.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/cdixon/
Bangalore, India
Areas of Interest:
Background: I am a spiritual and educational leader. I will help me in my spiritual and educational ministry.
Link to Profile: https://dtnetwork.org/our-members/frpoothara/
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