• Robert Athickal S.J. posted a new activity comment 5 years ago

    I am working on it. Thanks Jennierji!

  • Shows the works of many organizations in India doing eco-education, much of it organized by Deeptime Network member Robert Athickal.

  • We have been sailing through the summer days in India. Temperature varies from 45 degrees Celsius to 30
    degrees. It is the time of ripening and fruitfulness for us. Name a fruit and we have them these days, especially the heavenly mangoes.
    We were busy with summer Retreats and plantations. 15 Notre Dame Sisters joined us for six days and…[Read more]

    • Wonderful to hear this news Robert. I can just see and taste those heavenly mangoes based on your description. I wish I was there. Do you know about the International Jesuit Congress that’s about to take place in Cleveland Ohio. There’s an Evolving Universe track. A performance of the Emergent Universe Oratorio, showing of the movie Journey…[Read more]

  • This is an oft-repeated story here at Tarumitra..
    We had a lively conversation with a group of university and high school students here, just last week. Their contention was that there are no signs of hope anymore. Things are doomed. Looked like some of them read through Dan Brown’s Inferno which concentrated on the problem of over population a…[Read more]

  • Just now we are organzing an Eco-retreat for a group of 16 Jesuits and FMM Sisters inside a thick forest of Southern India. Mulli in the Attapadi Forest range on the border of two States and still holds this rain forest contiguous to the Silent Valley National Park. The FMM Sisters have been running this 50 year old hospital inside the forest for…[Read more]

    • Thank you for this post Robert. This is remarkable work you’re doing in India. You said that, “The whole attempt has been to bring the Universe Story from the heights of intellect to day to day living especially the realm of religious thinking.” This post certainly shows how you’re doing just that!

  • Robert Athickal S.J. posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago

    That’s a very encouraging response! Earth Charter could become the binding force to “dovetail” the efforts.

  • Robert Athickal S.J. posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Jennifer! The whole attempt has been to bring the Universe Story from the heights of intellect to day to day living especially the realm of religious thinking.

  • The whole thrust of the thinking of Teilhard de Chardin makes so much sense in a world which is getting so complex. Amidst this complexification of life and thoughts, Teilhard’s thinking opens up a floodlight of […]

  • 26 final year students of Morning Star College, Kolkata traveled 10 hours by train to reach Tarumitra last week on 31 March. They spent time in theologizing on the Big history/Deep Time Journey for a week. They were assisted by Anita Morales (Ecuador) and Karina Gomez (Panama) who were on an exploratory stay at Tarumitra for four months. Organic…[Read more]

  • 22 Youth Activists from Arunodaya Center of Social Work joined Tarumitra to reflect on the Big history of the Universe for a period of three days

  • Robert Athickal S.J. posted a new activity comment 10 years, 3 months ago

    Tarumitra believes in Organic cultivation of crops. The visiting groups spend some quality time working in the farm. The present group of teachers helped to plant and weed the crop of green grams

  • [bpfb_images]

    • Tarumitra believes in Organic cultivation of crops. The visiting groups spend some quality time working in the farm. The present group of teachers helped to plant and weed the crop of green grams

  • A group of 20 teachers consisting of Jesuits, Nuns and activists spent a week with us joining the reflection on the future of the planet in making! The group hailed from Poland, Sri Lanka, Africa and India.

  • Robert Athickal S.J is now a Contributing Member 10 years, 4 months ago

  • Robert Athickal became a registered member 10 years, 4 months ago