• Haseena Patel posted a new activity comment 1 year, 3 months ago

    So great to hear from you, Georgianne! I am honoured that you’d like to share my blog. Thank you. I don’t mind which way you share it, however the easiest and most effective way is to go to the Deeptime Network page on Facebook. Imogene posted the link there – you’ll be able to share and it will be viewable to people who aren’t members on this…[Read more]

  • Haseena Patel posted a new activity comment 1 year, 3 months ago

    Wow, Matt, what an amazing thought. Yes, “the current which carries us forward” is so powerful. I often think about it as our global collective, and I need to consciously keep in mind that the definition of this current is so broad – it could be seen as our human collective, the biosphere, the geosphere, also the intelligence and purpose to…[Read more]

  • A few days ago my fingers hit the keyboard in a principled fervour of claiming personal sovereignty.  It was a moment of my own healing to my next evolutionary level – a cry, a question, an answer, a call to In […]

    • The ‘something wrong with our world right now’ is that it is by definition unfinished. Evil isn’t a measure of how far we’ve fallen than how far we have left to go. One way of living up to our evolutionary potential is to recognize not only the part we play, but the current which carries us farword in the playing of it. The simple recognition of the current is a first step. For example, recognizing how extreme global poverty has been nearly eradicated in only the last 150 years is a good example.

      • Wow, Matt, what an amazing thought. Yes, “the current which carries us forward” is so powerful. I often think about it as our global collective, and I need to consciously keep in mind that the definition of this current is so broad – it could be seen as our human collective, the biosphere, the geosphere, also the intelligence and purpose to evolve of our entire Universe. And of course, you may have defined it differently in your comment. I am enjoying the awesome thought of the processes within the processes. Thank you for expanding our collective noosphere through your comment!

    • I love what you have written, especially the part about undoing and evolving! Thank you. I’d love to share this on Facebook! I’d prefer a link, but not sure “outsiders” could reach it. Would you mind if I copied and pasted it to my FB page? I feel it really should be made public!

      • So great to hear from you, Georgianne! I am honoured that you’d like to share my blog. Thank you. I don’t mind which way you share it, however the easiest and most effective way is to go to the Deeptime Network page on Facebook. Imogene posted the link there – you’ll be able to share and it will be viewable to people who aren’t members on this site too. Or you can just use this link and it is also viewable by everyone: https://dtnetwork.org/when-the-universe-claimed-sovereignty/

        I have sent you a friend request on Facebook. =) You’re welcome to reach me through Facebook too.

  • A course that turns the healing paradigm on its head, exploring how we each contribute to the collective evolution through our individual healing – a life process that is an expression of our evolving Earth and U […]

  • Haseena Patel posted a new activity comment 1 year, 7 months ago

    What a beautiful ritual at a time when we’re collectively striving to make sense of a new world we’re still learning to live in. Expressing feelings in safe community has such a great energy of shared warmth and support. Our world so needs that right now. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing – I am going to take a leaf out of your book for a…[Read more]

  • Haseena Patel posted a new activity comment 1 year, 8 months ago

    Georgianne, thank you for your heartfelt comment. One of the things I treasure and teach in my work is getting to the state where vulnerability is a strength and a gift. I deeply feel and appreciate your vulnerability in your comment. I think so many people are asking themselves these questions unconsciously or in an indirect way – “What was…[Read more]

  • 13.8 Billion years ago the Universe birthed the element of our beginnings – hydrogen. Then came Helium, Lithium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen…and the birthing continued.

    Conditions were perfect for Mother Earth to […]

    • Thank you, Haseena. This is a beautiful treatise on a subject so dear to my heart.
      I come from a slightly different approach to this than a young person might. I am almost
      78 now, and I look back upon my life to ask these questions. Perhaps that is typical of
      people my age. What was this life all about? Did I really contribute something of value?
      If I compare myself to others, who have been more “out there”, eg, Mother Theresa, I
      have failed miserably. But, if I am a part of the expression of the universe, then
      certainly all the happenings in my life have meant something. I just don’t know what, but
      maybe that is okay. We are beings that reflect upon what has been made through human
      efforts and through our own life by comparison. For me, the unfolding of my life has been and continues to be a very great unknown with respect to a positive contribution to the universe. But, right now I am okay with that. Right now, I can just love and appreciate all of which I know and don’t know, all of my environment. The universe can decide what to do with that!

      • Georgianne, thank you for your heartfelt comment. One of the things I treasure and teach in my work is getting to the state where vulnerability is a strength and a gift. I deeply feel and appreciate your vulnerability in your comment. I think so many people are asking themselves these questions unconsciously or in an indirect way – “What was this life all about? Did I really contribute something of value?” As I read your words, I wanted to shout a resounding YES! You’ve liberated readers to ask themselves the same questions consciously and unfearingly. You’ve contributed to my evolution because I’ve been exposed to your viewpoint, which led to UN-explored thoughts within me. Our interaction has contributed to the collective evolution of the noosphere of Mother Earth and the expression of our Universe. Having said that, I love your inner peace of BE-ing in the place of okayness, and your BE-ing in Love and appreciation. Perhaps that’s what the UN-folding is about – it’s the journey, not any specific outcome. I honour the Light within you and your journey. Thank you for sharing. <3

  • Haseena Patel became a registered member 2 years, 10 months ago