• Calling on Human Imagination The year 2023 will be remembered as the summer that the reality of climate disruption really sank in for people living otherwise cushioned lives in the […]

  • In the smartphone age, the fear of disconnection and the overconfidence of always having the answer is a dangerous combination. It leads to a complacent kind of groupthink that dulls creativity and deprives us of […]

    • Yes, definitely, education should help us explore “the mysterious depths of our own miraculous mind.” In this blog, Jennifer talks of a deeper wider SOURCE. She says: “Call it Spirit, call it Dream, call it the Cosmos or the Divine—it is a deeper, wider Source, not so much of information as of inspiration.” She continues:
      “We come out of this Source at birth, bathe in it each night in our dreams, and return to it at the end of our lives. It is the immaterial matrix that animates all physical reality on the planet, and indeed in the known universe.” This reminds me of David Bohm’s Implicate Order in his book: Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980). The Implicate is the inner dimension of our being, the natural state of consciousness before the flaring forth of creation, while the Explicate is our experience in the manifested universe of time and space. It takes courage to express these radical ideas, as Jennifer says. Yet our miraculous minds reach into the depths of Interiority, beyond the limited forms of reason and logic in a state of becoming and evolving, all participants and co-creators in a universe that is a work in progress.

      See more about David Bohm in the The David Bohm Society page https://www.davidbohmsociety.org/ and in the highly acclaimed recently published book of essays, The Holomovement: Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Society. Edited by Emanuel Kuntzelman, 2023.

      The Holomovement. Sacred Stories Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition. 

  • Education should help us avoid complacent groupthink and encourage us to think for ourselves, exploring the mysterious depths of our own miraculous minds.

  • In this recent post on my free “Spirit of Education” Substack blog, I draw on Thomas Berry’s ideas to imagine “Earthdream Mystery Schools” to guide us in recovering our lost intimacy with physical and psyc […]

    • I love this, Jennifer. Keep up the Great Work that you are now doing for the sake of Gaian Consciousness and Gaia’s cries for help. Thank you!

  • Jennifer Browdy became a registered member 1 year, 5 months ago