Sandy McLeod updated new location at New York, NY 10013, USA 5 years, 1 month ago
Sandy McLeod posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago
Dear Sam,
Thank you so much for your kind words! We would love to help you organize a screening in Vermont. If you have questions about that process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to JD Marlow, my Co-Producer. I’m not quite used to sending/receiving messages on this platform yet, so if you communicate with him, it’s better. His email is…[Read more]
Sandy McLeod wrote a new post, SEEDS OF TIME 9 years, 10 months ago
A perfect storm is brewing as agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler races against time to protect the future of our food. Seed banks around the world are crumbling, crop failures are producing starvation and rioting, […]
Dear Sandy!
It is so wonderful to see you, and your work, on the network! The trailer is fantastic, and we can hardly wait to see the film.
We will soon be working toward getting a showing in Vermont, where there is great traction with, and attraction to this phenomenal theme.
And I just got a message announcing the Kosmos Seed awards. Here is their website: http://www.kosmosjournal.org/
Another wonderful ‘documentary’, The Journey of the Universe, was primary inspiration for the Emergent Universe Oratorio.
We would eventually love to do a film on the unfolding project and the amazing impact of music (and of course, IMAGES!) on our individual and collective psyche toward becoming (as Thomas Berry said) ‘mutually enhancing members of the whole Earth community’.-
Dear Sam,
Thank you so much for your kind words! We would love to help you organize a screening in Vermont. If you have questions about that process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to JD Marlow, my Co-Producer. I’m not quite used to sending/receiving messages on this platform yet, so if you communicate with him, it’s better. His email is [email protected]
Thank you for sending the Kosmos Seed Awards as well – I’ll put that up on our social media platforms.
Dear Sandy,
Congratulations on your phenomenal film. What an important, timely subject! The trailer—with its compelling images and script—is superb! I look forward to seeing SEEDS OF TIME in NYC. I hope it will motivate people to awaken to the realities of climate change, and make the necessary changes that face us all. I forwarded your link to a friend who is writing a YA book about Seeds, and will email your co-producer w a suggestion for a fab film venue in New York. Thank you for your extraordinary work!
Warm regards,
Imogene Drummond
Sandy McLeod is now a Contributing Member 9 years, 10 months ago
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