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Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program

Life and Leadership that Start with an Evolving Universe
10 program sessions, every other week; with small group meetings in between

Online Program January 15 to May 21, 2025. See program requirements below.

The Ring Nebula from Webb and Hubble; Credit: NSA, ESA, CSA, JWST, HST

Combination Package: Cosmogenesis: Autocosmology as a Spiritual Practice is required for this program for anyone who hasn’t completed the 9-month Deeptime Leadership Program. Purchase Cosmogenesis and Advanced Leadership in a combination offer and save. Click here!

Deadline for purchase of the Combination Package is October 11th.

The transformation of consciousness which is required to live into a cosmogenetic universe has hardly begun.  

— Brian Thomas Swimme

Evolve Your Leadership to the Next Level 

Join a DEEPTIME team with

Stephan Martin, Brian Swimme, Jennifer Morgan, Orla Hazra, Mary Coelho, Elena Pardo, Kacey Carmichael, Lisa Verni, Penny Andrews, and more.

To see team bios, click here.

Align your leadership with the universe through the power of autocosmology.

Through the practice of autocosmology, uncover how the universe is propelling its story in and as you through your allurements and discover your Cosmic Task in a supportive community, aligning your life and work with the universe.  In this advanced course, you will express your unique leadership capacities in ways that are most meaningful for you while simultaneously contributing to the whole. 

By the end of this course, you will have developed your own personal autocosmology template which expresses who you are, what you’re here to do, how you’re going to do it, where you’re making an impact and for whom, and why.   

What is Autocosmology?

Autocosmology is the conscious participation in an evolving universe.  It begins with the insight that our lives and experiences are the outgrowth of the entire cosmic evolutionary process, and that we embody a particular set of gifts, capacities and perspectives that are uniquely ours while at the same time express the Whole.  Within the practice of autocosmology we begin to unpack our particular gifts and express them in relationship with others and for the benefit of the Whole. 

During this time, the terminal phase of the Cenozoic, a time marked by breakdown and chaos, the practice of autocosmology can give us the inspiration and clarity we need to do the Great Work of our time . . . creating an Ecozoic Era. — Stephan Martin, Director, Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program

Communicate your work in the context of the cosmic story. 

Sharing the Cosmic Story with others who don’t yet understand its significance can be difficult.  In this advanced course participants will practice ways to communicate with others the power and stunning significance of an evolutionary universe. 

By the end of the course, you will have developed ways to share with others about Deeptime and Cosmogenesis in a way that moves and inspires others while helping you to be more effective in accomplishing your goals. 

 Activate your guidance through four wisdom traditions.

Each of the four different wisdom traditions identified by Thomas Berry — indigenous, classical religions, science and women — represent a different mode of knowing the universe.  So often we feel we have to choose between them.  In a Deeptime framework, each of these perspectives represents a unique way of encountering and expressing the universe and together they represent a rich mosaic. 

By the end of this course, you will become adept at seeing the larger reality through the four different wisdom traditions and will have access to practices and perspectives from each of these traditions that can inform your own Deeptime journey. 

Deep Time Video Awards Butterfly, Deeptime Leadership, Personal Empowerment Leadership, Climate change, Evolution Leadership, Big Bang Theory

Co-create the Ecozoic in a supportive community.

One of the most important benefits of participating in the Deeptime Leadership Program has been the Deeptime community itself and all of its synergistic power to propel us toward action and inner fulfillment, not to mention that it forges friendships that continue beyond the program and creates a global network to call upon for years to come.  The Deeptime Cafes also help people to stay in touch beyond the program. 

By the end of this course, you’ll be connected with your own cosmic empowerment team that will support you and each other as you continue to explore and unfold your cosmic destiny in the world.

Deep Time Video Awards Butterfly, Deeptime Leadership, Personal Empowerment Leadership, Climate change, Evolution Leadership, Big Bang Theory

Join the next evolution of the Deeptime Leadership Program

After three years of offering the Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program, 175 people have completed all three modules in the nine month program with 56 becoming certified Deeptime Leaders.  Now, we’re taking it to the next level with the ADVANCED Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program.  This will be an opportunity to deepen leadership skills while aligning with the universe, and applying it to diverse fields such as therapy, spirituality, education, economics, law, and religious reform. 

This Advanced Deeptime Leadership Program is a natural continuation of the fall Cosmogenesis: Autocosmology as a Spiritual Practice course.  The fall course will help people identify the pearls of cosmic experience over the course of their lives.  The Advanced Leadership Program will help people identify the threads and themes connecting the pearls which illustrate how the universe is propelling its story through each of us.  By recognizing and empowering our own cosmic impulse in community, we embrace our cosmic task as Deeptime leaders. 

Program Requirements

Participants in this program must have completed either the Deeptime Leadership and Wellbeing Program (9 month) AND/OR the six week course, Cosmogenesis: Autocosmology as a Spiritual Practice, with Brian Swimme and Jennifer Morgan starting October 15, 2024.  People who take the Cosmogenesis course will receive a discount toward the Advanced Leadership Program.

Session Descriptions

Wednesdays, January 15 – May 21, 7:00 – 9:00 pm ET,

All meetings are recorded & can be viewed by participants any time.  

Time zone calculator, click here!

Week 1, Session 1 (Jan. 15): Governing Themes, Fourfold Wisdom, and Cosmic Self and Task

Guiding questions: How is the Universe increasing Differentiation, Subjectivity, and Communion inside of you at this time?

Week 2, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (Jan. 22):

Week 3, Session 2 (Jan. 29):  Activating and aligning with Cosmic Energy.  Exploring Differentiation and Omni-centricity.

Guiding questions: What are some of the repeating themes or patterns that are signs the Universe is differentiating in your life? How do these patterns point to your Cosmic Task?

Week 4, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (Feb. 5):

Week 5, Session 3 (Feb. 12):  Exploring Subjectivity.  Uncovering unconscious patterns, such as trauma, that prohibit alignment.  Rewiring and shifting attention.  Allurement as foundational to the whole universe.  Moving from despair to coherence and healing.

Guiding questions: What are some of your current allurements in your life and how are you pursuing them? What is the Universe being allured to in and as you at this time?

Week 6, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (Feb. 19)

Week 7, Session 4 (Feb 26): Subjectivity: Spirituality and the Universe.  God, Deeptime, and Third Story questions.  Massive change underway in the transition between Second and Third Stories.

Guiding questions: Where are you in your relationship with God/Source/the Whole and the Universe? Are there places where you continue to struggle in bringing these different places in your life together?

Week 8, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (Mar 5)

Week 9, Session 5 (Mar 12): Communion: Relationality and the Whole.  How can we reorganize relationships so that the next phase of evolution can happen?

Guiding questions: How is the Universe bringing you into greater Communion at this time? What examples can you share that relate to this? What needs do you see in your larger community that your gifts are responding to?

Week 10, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (Mar 19)

Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks

For the first half of the P&P sessions, expressive arts therapist, writer, and Certified Deeptime Leader Kacey Carmichael will facilitate a deep dive into the experiential expressive/meditative art of Authentic Movement/Authentic Writing as a Deeptime Autocosmology Practice. These sessions can help you discover the memories, insights, and deep themes of your unfolding life as an expression of the beautiful brilliant unfurling universe. In addition, through these practices we deepen our experience of Differentiation, Subjectivity, and Communion; moment-to-moment, in embodied presence, we practice following our Allurements; with awareness, we slip into the flow of the Universe unfolding through us, as us.

Week 11, Session 6 (Mar 26): Honing and Aligning Cosmic Gifts and Tasks for Action.

Guiding questions: If you were to articulate your Cosmic Task at this time, how would you express it? Are there particular ways you see that your Cosmic Task wants to express itself in the world right now? How are your relationships part of your Cosmic Task and Action?

Week 12, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (April 2):

Week 13, Session 7 (April 9): Fourfold Wisdom reflection on Cosmic Task: Science and Classical Religious perspectives

Guiding questions: How do you see your Cosmic Task through the wisdom traditions of Science and Classical Religions perspective?

Week 14, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (April 16)

Week 15, Session 8 (April 23): Fourfold Wisdom reflection on Cosmic Task: Women and Indigenous perspectives

Guiding questions: How do you see your Cosmic Task through the wisdom traditions of Women and Indigenous perspectives?

Week 16, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (April 30):

Week 17, Session 9 (May 7): Cosmic Task as a Gift to the World.  Working with obstacles and challenges.

Guiding questions: How are you celebrating your larger sense of contribution and communion, and what obstacles and challenges are you facing?

Week 18, Deeptime Practice & Pod Weeks (May 14):

Week 19, Session 10 (May 21): Conclusion and Celebration

Guiding questions: How are you different now? What’s changed for you?

Bring the work you’re already doing, or use the program to develop something new!

You will be supported inside the creative vortex of a deeptime community.   To see interests that participants have pursued in our courses, and that you can pursue in this program, click here

To see projects in the 2022 Program, click here

To see projects in the 2023 Program, click here

To see projects in the 2024 Program, click here!

Whatever mysterious force that has been at work throughout all these years, has not gone to sleep or retired, just because we humans came along. All you have to do is to let your consciousness be flooded by that force and you will know what to do.Brian Swimme

Deep Time Video Awards Butterfly, Deeptime Leadership, Personal Empowerment Leadership, Climate change, Evolution Leadership, Big Bang Theory

Voices of Deeptime

We're gathering comments from people who've experienced the Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program.  Below are a number of themes are have surfaced already.

What is Deeptime Leadership?, with Stephan Martin, Director, Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program

A Functional Cosmology, with Jennifer Morgan, President, Deeptime Network

Deeptime Leadership & Religious Formation, with Sr. Tess Figueroa

Bridging the Gap Between Generations, with Matthew Celmar

Following Your Heart Not Knowing Where It's Leading, with Mea Voce

Deeptime and Interconnection with Earth and Her Creatures, with Haseena Patel

Deeptime as a Paradigm Shift, with
Kenneth Miller

Deeptime as an Experience of Coming Home, with Sarbmeet Kanwal


Where are you in your development of these leadership capacities?


    • Views the Universe is primary; and everything is derivative of the universe.
    • Understands that the universe is evolving (characterized by Cosmogenesis)
    • Empowered by a basic science-based narrative of Cosmic, Earth, and Human evolution
    • Shifts perspective from separation to radical relationality
    • Know that human destiny  depends on a flourishing Earth community.
    • Shifts perspective from subjectivity limited to humans to subjectivity of the whole


    • Experience awe, reverence and gratitude for Cosmos and Earth
    • Listen deeply to the many voices of the Cosmos in Earth, plants, animals and humans
    • Appreciate the importance of different ways of knowing — science, spirituality and the arts — for transforming culture
    • Be willing to be on the front edge of evolution, outside the comfort zone.


    • Know one’s own voice and story; and see one’s self inside a deeptime context.
    • Move away from an extraction model toward reciprocity, exchanging energy.
    • Practice inclusiveness and radical hospitality.
    • Identify attitudes and behaviors in themselves that support hinder transition to the Ecozoic.
    • Use personal discernment practices for what’s emerging with the four principles for decision making.
    • Participate in communal embodied experiences of these insights.


    • Collaborate with humans and Earth’s living systems to create a deep future.
    • Enact deeptime principles to bring about an Ecozoic Era and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
    • Evoke individual and communal voices and stories and contextualize them inside of deeptime.
    • Facilitate decision making using  four deeptime principles
    • Lead from an embodied experience of these insights
    • Facilitate experiences and meaningful rituals that help participants embody insights
    • Facilitate peer group support that embraces resonance & dissonance as ways that the universe evolves.
    • Facilitate embodied practices to stay grounded and centered.
    • Facilitate communal discernment using the four principles.

Deeptime Mini Stories

MJ Zimmerman (psychotherapist) Albuquerque, NM (US)Working on environmental or social justice issues, I meet people anxious about the future of our society and of Earth. When I share that we are part of a vast emerging universe, full of immense energy and creativity, and that our desires for justice and for a healthy Earth are the universe acting in us, it frees them to do their work with more hopefulness.  Many people are drawn to transforming how we relate to each other and the Earth community. Through them, the universe will inspire solutions we cannot yet imagine.

Elizabeth Carranza (activist, teacher) Cavite, Philippines: Telling young people the Universe Story and expressing it through art and creative embodiment brings them to a deeper consciousness of the interconnectedness, interrelatedness, and interdependence of all that is. One, after dancing as Star Tiamat, expressed gratitude to this Supernova for offering her life so other beings, including humans, may be. This Bigger Story inspires them to commit themselves to care for Earth. They realize that caring for Earth is caring for oneself, too.

Rebecca Sophia Strong (psychotherapist, cosmic story teller):  Halfway through a performance of Cosmogenesis, a man entered off the street. He sat listening. After hearing the 13.8 billion-year story, people speak. When he stood, this man said; “I walked in here tonight thinking I was just a black man. Now I feel differently. Now I know that I belong. I belong to this Earth and Cosmos. I am not just a black man, I am a beautiful black man … and … I am cosmic.” This is why I share the story.

Stephan Martin (educator) Ashville, North Carolina (US):  I share with my students the insight that we don’t live in the universe but that we are the universe in human form. There is a palpable shift in the room, almost like a collective gasp. An opening to a wider world of possibilities takes place. Teaching from a Deeptime perspective expands my role as a guide to the tools and resources to help students step into a larger vision of themselves and their deeper role in our shared cosmic journey.
Marides “Madett” Virola-Gardiola (mediator) Alfonso, Cavite, Philippines: After a Deeptime Network course, I co-developed a two-day online forum called “Deep Roots of Hope: Regenerative Maps for our Time,” designed to confront and move past the hurdles preventing social movement leaders from collaborating on their shared goals. We reflect on new paths forward — gathered from the unifying perspectives of the new cosmology — that can reenergize our roles as change-makers and culture-bearers in the work of transformation. 

To see more deeptime mini stories, click here.


What people are saying about the Deeptime Network . . .

" It is so supportive to have a whole community, from around the world, working together to embody and live out a deep connection to the new cosmology in its ethical and spiritual dimensions. We are the Universe emerging. "
- M.J. Zimmerman

" After 20 years of living into the Universe Story, I was reawakened to how truly empowering it is through what is emerging for others on parallel paths from around the globe. "
— Penny Andrews

" If you're seeking a meaningful story that explains our place in our Universe and in Nature, and like-minded global citizens, this course may be your next step on that journey. " - David Morton Rintoul

" Everything I have known in life is being integrated into unifying perspectives and connectedness which come like seeds being nourished from a deep space of love, abundance, and creativity "
— Marides "Madett" Virola-Gardiola, Philippines

Deeptime courses are not just about learning new ideas, they are a way to commune together to help each other spiral upwards to new heights of wisdom and awakening. "
— Sarbmeet Kanwal

" I am co-creating a space for children older than 7 years old and this course has been granting me a deeper understanding of how I want to position myself and act in this space while deep listening to children. " — Joana Benetton, Brazil

" Being around so many talented and confident people has helped me with developing a children’s book for Montessori Sunday school. " — Nancee Cline

It is all and more than I expected – I am not new to the material though have certainly learned and gained new insights into the wonderful planet we call “home”. 

The assignments are doable, interesting, and inviting.  I am enjoying the course very much.

Am loving it. The small groups are wonderful. It is such a marvelous group of participants. The networking is fabulous.  Love the opening and thoughtful reflections.

I look forward to every session.

I had to miss two weeks and was aware there was something missing in my life, so I know I am finding it really useful and challenging.  Also good to make connections.

I am feeling inspired, energized, and more-connected-than ever!  I am also enjoying the arc of the course, the meditations, quote sharing, and especially the content. 

Who is this for?

  • Everyone who has projects, and practices they’d like to work on inside a New Cosmology framework.
  • Students who want to learn about their role in the universe and apply deeptime principles in their academic work.
  • Teachers who want to frame their curriculum inside the New Cosmology.
  • Spiritual/religious who want to situate and ground their understandings/practices inside an evolving universe.
  • Artists/Poets/Writers/Dancers inspired to express the larger story we all share.
  • Scientists who want to connect with and experience other ways of knowing.
  • Healers and healing practitioners who know the healing power of a living functional cosmology.
  • Politicians/Activists looking for a larger frame and understanding to address the crises of today.
  • Mental Health Practioners who understand that our cosmologies give us meaning and purpose.  Dysfunctional cosmologies can be at the root of mental illness and addiction.
  • Spiritual Directors who want help their directees see and align with the whole at work within their lives.
  • Anyone who wants to ground their lives in the New Cosmology and an emerging consciousness

Cosmic Walk at Tarumitra (co-founded by Robert Athickal), India.

Kendra Kehde, certified Deeptime Leader (2023), reads her poem “The Big Bang Blows it’s Horn” as part of the Holmdel’s ribbon cutting ceremony, while Holmdel mayor Rocco Impreveduto looks on.  To read Ms. Kehde’s poem, click here

Certified Deeptime Leader Sr. Mary Teresita Figueroa leads a two day session with 17 lay mission partners and 5 Good Shepherd sisters in the Philippines.  She has also been integrating her learnings the formation program for Good Shepherd sisters.

Rebecca-Sophia Strong, a certified Deeptime Leader, is creating a planetarium production of her play Cosmogenesis: The Story of Us.

Our Learning Management System

We use Sensei integrated with Buddypress so that participants can engage in asynchronous course discussions, and share resources, profiles, and information about their organizations.  We’ve had experience using this technology with people of all levels of technical capability.  If you have any questions, we’re right there to help you.  All meetings are recorded.  The course will remain open for one year so you can view recordings, stay in touch and continue to share thoughts and resources with others sharing the journey with you.  Our fearless developer, Mohit Sharma, stands at the ready to solve any tech problems that might crop up a long the way.


Personal and Professional Development

  • How your personal story is part of and contributing to the larger Story of the Universe and how you can integrate this cosmic perspective into your everyday life.
  • How to identify significant moments, themes, and patterns in your personal journey as part of the unfurling universe.
  • Identify your unique gifts, qualities, and orientations and how they express your work in the world.
  • How to activate your unique Cosmic Task and your own unique ways of expressing your gifts and capacities to the communities and places in your life that are calling you the strongest at this time.
  • Learn how the Governing Themes of Differentiation, Subjectivity, and Communion are at work in your life and how to align with them.
  • How becoming indigenous to the universe and ourselves develops trust, confidence and heightened capacities.

Group Facilitation and the Power of Deeptime Community

  • Experiencing collective dwelling in awe and wonder of the numinous and appreciating the ways the universe is working in, as, and through us.
  • How collective dwelling in wholeness brings coherence and healing in a group.
  • Ways to communicate big ideas about the cosmic evolutionary story to a lay audience and how to relate these ideas to your own personal experiences, perspectives, and goals.
  • How to lead a group inside a Deeptime perspective.
  • Ways to work with others to give and receive authentic feedback and support.

Tools, Techniques and Practices

  • How shifting our attention to a Deeptime perspective rewires our brains and nervous systems to a more coherent state.
  • Practices and approaches for applying four wisdom traditions to your own life and work in the world.
  • Practices for following your allurements from inspiration into action.
  • In-depth work with Deeptime Autocosmology practices within a personal and cosmic framework.
  • Movement and embodied creative practices to activate your creativity and help you move through creative and emotional blocks.


  • 2-Hour Live Weekly Sessions on Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm ET (38 hours total)
  • Above includes 20 hours large group sessions and 18 hours of Deeptime practice and group coaching
  • Video recordings of large group sessions that you can access at any time.
  • Online asynchronous discussion forum to explore topics of interest to you
  • The opportunity to receive Deeptime Spiritual Direction and Coherence Guidance in support of your journey
  • Access to course space recordings, resources and messaging with fellow participants for up to one year
  • Participation in a rich and supportive global community
  • Premium membership in the Deeptime Network for one year where you can post resources, events and blogs and participate in the Deeptime Cafes. Premium members also receive discounts on many Deeptime programs, classes, and trainings.
  • Upon completion of the program, you will be invited to join a private FB group of Deeptime Leaders from around the world.
  • Invitations to Deeptime Leader gatherings.

Credit and Professional Development Options


Credit: There’s an opportunity to receive credit for this program through Antioch University’s Individualized Master of Arts Program.

Professional Development Options: Participants can receive professional development hours for the program.  An application is underway for 38  PD hours from the American Montessori Society for the four month program.

Registration is a Four Step Process

  • 1.  Discern if this is right for you.

  • 2.  Complete an application.

  • 3. Pick a plan

  • 4. Make your purchase in the orange box below.

Want to talk to someone about the Program?  Feeling overwhelmed with choices?  Write to us at [email protected].
Check out Info Sessions

  1.  Discern if this is right for you.

Take time to discern the difference this program could make in your life.  This Program has been helpful to participants even during times of transition as it provides connection, support and perspective.  Others may find that it’s too much of a commitment at this point in their lives.  Join an Info Session to further your discernment process.  Completing the application in step 2 will also help your discernment process.

2.  Complete an application

Completing the application helps you to discern whether this experience can be a transformational experience for you, and it helps us to get to know you; and it doesn’t obligate you to take the program.  We’ll get back to you as soon as we can once we receive your application.   Don’t hesitate to write to us at [email protected].  In the meantime, take a look at the plan options and join in an Info Session.

3.  Select a Plan that Works for You!

There are a number of different plans to choose from.  We particularly love it when people join the program in groups so that they can reinforce what they’re learning with each other outside the program.  Participating in an Info Session is a great way to weigh the pros and cons of different options.  You’re always welcome to write to us at [email protected].


  • Register early and receive a discount!
  • Group Pricing
  • Installment Plans
  • Premium members receive additional 5% discount*
  • Some Scholarship funds Available, see below

* For only $8 per month, get the Premium Member discount and all Premium Member benefits.  To see benefits and become a premium member, click hereBecome a Premium Member before purchasing the DTL Program.

Participate as a Group & SAVE

Transform your group together! 

Join the program with neighbors, friends, and co-workers.  Bring Deeptime principles into your family, neighborhood, community and workplace.  Sharing the experience with others can be even more transformative. 

Group Pricing (three or more): 

Without PD Hours:  $650 ($750 after Dec. 8, $850 after Jan. 8)
With PD Hours:  $850 ($950 after Dec. 8, $1050 after Jan. 8)

Here’s How To Make a Group Purchase:

First, organize your group. Then one person in the group can click here to complete a questionnaire with the name and email address for each member in your group. We will be in touch with you and send each member of your group an email with registration instructions.  For more info, write to us at [email protected].

4.  Make your purchase.

Once we’ve given you the go ahead after reading your application, and you’ve selected your plan, you can make your purchase.  You can pay up front or pay in installments.  To see the installment plan, click on the plan you’re interested in, then click on installment plan and then then “view” to see the installments.  Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at any point by writing to [email protected].

Can you help support

our scholarship fund?

People from around the world are eager to participate, but they can’t without support.

Join our Deeptime Donor Circle with a donation of  $1000 or more. 

Click here to make a donation.


Sign me up!




Individual Pricing:

$795 ($895 after Dec. 8th; $995 after Jan. 8th)
$995 ($1095 after Dec. 8th; $1195 after Jan. 8th)

Be sure to log in before making your purchase!

Refund available until week 2 of the course. (Processing fees may apply.)

Trouble registering? Contact [email protected].

Do you need scholarship support?

We have some limited scholarship funds available.   Cohort 2024 raised $2180 specifically to help support young people in this upcoming program.
Click here to complete a questionnaire about how you will use this program to birth an Ecozoic Era.  Feel free to write to us at [email protected].

Can you help support others to participate? 

Please make a donation to help those with limited resources to participate.   Join a Deeptime Donors Circle with a donation of $1000 or more.  Please write to [email protected], or make a donation by clicking here.


Write to us at [email protected].