Suggested Readings
To Develop the Human Potential, by Maria Montessori (1948)
Children of the Universe: Cosmic Education in the Montessori Elementary Classroom, by Michael and D’Neil Duffy (Originally released in 2002, Updated in 2013?)
Universe Story Trilogy (Targeted for children, Great for all Ages for learning the Story):
Born With a Bang by Jennifer Morgan, Illustrations by Dana Lynn Andersen https://dtnetwork/resource/born-with-a-bang-the-universe-tells-our-cosmic-story-book-1/
From Lava to Life by Jennifer Morgan, Illustrations by Dana Lynn Andersenhttps://dtnetwork/resource/from-lava-to-life-the-universe-tells-our-earth-story-book-2-in-a-universe-story-trilogy/
Mammals Who Morph by Jennifer Morgan, Illustrations by Dana Lynn Andersen https://dtnetwork/resource/mammals-who-morph-the-universe-tells-our-evolution-story-book-3-in-a-universe-story-trilogy-2/
Journey of the Universe (Book) by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker (2011)
Journey of the Universe (Movie), Narrated by Brian Swimme, Produced by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim (2011) https://dtnetwork/resource/journey-of-the-universe-movie/
Journey of the Universe (Conversations/Educational Series Overview) (2012)
The New Story (Landmark Essay by Thomas Berry, 1978)
The Dream of the Earth, by Thomas Berry (1988)
The Great Work: Our Way Into the Future (2000)
The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality and Religion in the Twenty First Century, by Thomas Berry (2009)
The Great Story (Video, 2002)
The Universe is a Green Dragon: A Cosmic Creation Story, by Brian Swimme (1984)
The Universe Story: From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era–A Celebration of the Unfolding Cosmos, by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme (1994)
The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos: Humanity and the New Story, by Brian Swimme (1999)
Epic of Evolution, by Eric Chaisson (2007)
The Gaia Hypothesis, by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis
Big History: Between Nothing and Everything, by David Christian, Cynthia Stokes Brown, and Craig Benjamin (2014)
Big History: From the Big Bang to the Present, by Cynthia Stokes Brown (2007)
Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History, by David Christian (2011)
This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity
Suggested Readings
The Magic of Earthing
I like to walk, touch living Mother Earth – bare feet best, and thrill every step. (John Muir) Earthing is the practice of physically connecting to the earth so that the body can take on its electrons, thus grounding itself. An ancient indigenous practice, earthing is the easiest grounding technique that specifically helps connect […]
Unitive Consciousness: The Reunion of Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End
I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning at the end (Revelation 22:13). Every story must have a beginning and an end. The better stories also have a cohering middle, theme, or context that hold their beginning and end together. The same holds true for a life story, and the […]
The Omega Tree, (and Cryptogenesis)
Do you see what I see? A star, a star, dancing in the night with a tail as big as a kite, with a tail as big as big as a kite. — Noel Rigney (lyrics), Celina Shane (music) Inherited language is not adequate for the task of naming the deep experiences of life. Containing […]
November Election Results: A Long View
Blog by Joseph Masterleo Note: Blogs posted by members are not necessarily the views of the Deeptime Network staff. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s (Matthew 22:21). [What follows is a viewpoint. A viewpoint is just that, a view from a point, of which […]
The Meaning of Human Life in the Context of the Evolution of the Universe: V. I. Vernadsky and P. Teilhard De Chardin
The authors of the paper reflect on the meaning of human life in relation tothe universe, drawing on scientific knowledge about evolution and highlighting in-terconnections between anthropological and cosmological issues. The paper considersthe inspiring ideas of V. I. Vernadsky and P. Teilhard de Chardin, especially their un-derstanding of the noosphere. Despite Vernadsky’s and Teilhard’s contrasting […]
From Trauma to Inscendence
From Trauma to Inscendence by Mary C. Coelho, PhD This essay is a deeply personal story about seeking to respond to a strong spiritual invitation and becoming conscious of the hidden reasons that prevented the author from responding fully, particularly a family tragedy that had an enormous spiritual cost. The essay describes the importance […]
Upcoming Cosmogenesis Course!
This upcoming course with Brian Swimme and Jennifer Morgan starts on October 15th! Creators are: Brian Swimme, Jennifer Morgan.
Advanced Deeptime Leadership Program starts Jan. 15th.
Program requirement is the Basic 9 month Deeptime Leadership Program or the Cosmogenesis Course offered this fall (starting Oct. 15th).
Meet our Newly Certified Deeptime Leaders 2024.
We’re excited to share our most recently certified Deeptime Leaders. Here are all our certified Deeptime leaders from 2022 to 2024. To see the most recently certified leaders, scroll to the bottom. 175 people have completed all three modules of the Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program, 56 of whom were certified.
The Artist and the Theologian: Contemplating Creation
This program combines a feast of images, music, and readings that draw participants into contemplation, compassion, and wonder at the glory, diversity, and suffering of the living world. Participants will be inspired and motivated in this interactive conversation with artist/iconographer Angela Manno and theologian Elizabeth Johnson, who will read from her new book, “Come, Have […]