Submit your video for the 2020 Awards.
This is the first year DTJN sponsored the Video Awards and we’re thrilled with these submissions that demonstrate Deep Time Principles.
To submit your video for the 2020 Awards, see information below.
Our judges awarded this film the Video of the Year Award for the way that it integrates ALL of our Deep Time Principles listed above. Created by Global Generation of London, UK, it was co-produced by Silvia Pedretti, Alex Carulli, their young Big Bang Ambassadors. “Stories for a Better World” is directly inspired by elements of the Journey of the Universe book by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker. In their development as educators, Rod Sugden and Jane Riddiford, leaders of Global Generation, moved from seeing the Story of the Universe as an “add on” in their curriculum to making it the foundation for their entire curriculum. The narrative is a tapestry of young people’s free fall writing from their Big Bang Summer School.
Global Generation is an educational charity that works together with local children and young people, businesses, residents and families in Camden, Islington and Southwark, UK, to create healthy, integrated and environmentally responsible communities. They offer practical experiences and employment pathways to young people, often from disadvantaged backgrounds, and give them the social, emotional and practical skills to make a difference in the world. Ecology, education and enterprise are at the heart of everything they do, and they have developed a wide range of educational programs, all of which reflect their core values.
If you want to see how a deep time approach to education looks, and the impact it has on students, this film will show you. It shows how the Ridge and Valley Charter School, Blairstown, NJ, a public elementary school, grounds its curriculum inside of the Cosmic Story and is committed to education for a hopeful sustainable future. In this alumna edited 15-minute video, students, alumni, guides and trustees share their experiences of RVCS and its foundational principles: mutually-enhancing relationships; ecological literacy and sustainability; experiential, project-based learning; and learner-centered, differentiated curriculum. To learn more about the school, go to
Using only his phone, Fred Adam was able to capture a deep sense of connection with nature in these short clips accessible from the webpage below. Fred is an art director and expert in spatial narratives and mobile learning. He collaborates with artists scientist Rich Blundell to create audiovisual Earth Stories. He calls it “hammocking cinema” and it is intended to create audiovisual practices that reflect on social networks and society; and how we can reconnect with nature in a very simple and passionate way through art, wisdom and science. Each video represents one or several concepts of Cosmosis (feeling we are part of the cosmos) through fractal thinking, radical affection, appreciation and gratitude.
Sandy McLeod, Seeds of Deep Time
Our deep time future depends on SEEDS and this film shows the importance of seed diversity which is key to creating a sustainable food supply. This documentary film follows the story of Cary Fowler, who was the originator of the Global Seed vault in Svalbard Norway as he races against time to protect the future of our food. Seed banks around the world are crumbling, crop failures are producing starvation and rioting, and the accelerating effects of climate change are affecting farmers globally. Communities of indigenous Peruvian farmers are already suffering those effects, as they try desperately try to save over 1,500 varieties of native potato in their fields. But with little time to waste, both Fowler and the farmers embark on passionate and personal journeys that may save the one resource we cannot live without: our seeds.
Sam Guarnaccia, Emergent Universe Oratorio
Recitative #1
Composed by Sam Guarnaccia, the EUO presents the story of the universe from its beginning to the future of humanity, in a series of alternating intensively scored recitatives with major lyrical choral sections. It will be performed at the International Big History Association Conference at Villanova, Philadelphia, PA (US) on July 28th of this year.
The EUO is a marriage of science and art, combining an evidence based and artistically compelling understanding of our origins, place, and role in an evolving Universe. The EUO brings a new experience and understanding of the steps that have brought us to where we are today. The scientific accuracy of the libretto coupled with a superb musical score offers a unique insight into why Carl Sagan said that we are all made of star dust — and much more.
An Earth Story, Rich Blundell
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.
— John Muir
An Earth Story tells the story of a commercial fisherman who forgot who he was, only to be reminded by a message from an 800-lb bluefin tuna that he had caught and killed. The event sent him on a lifelong, scientific mission to understand that message that takes him on a cosmic journey from the intimate to the epic.
Omniscopic refers to a way of seeing, feeling and living as an integral part of the web of connections that make up ourselves and the cosmos inside a universe that’s transforming. This way of seeing can be a source of wisdom, inspiration, creativity, happiness and hope.
Big Bang Summer School
This short film is about Global Generation’s work on the Big Bang Summer School and was produced by Silvia Pedretti, Alex Carulli, Rod Sugden, Jane Riddiford.
Integrating ritual into their programs in multiple ways, the Global Generation project is exciting because it contextualizes all learning, being and living inside the biggest picture of all, an evolving universe. And, it’s based on the idea that all of us are thinkers, creators, collaborators, critics, presenters, and celebrants. Rituals around the fire take on new meaning and compel us to action inside this larger context, challenging our values, that are so familiar to us all, and also helps to us to come together as friends and learners.”
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?
How are we attuning ourselves to a stunning evolving Earth and Universe?
Fire up your video cameras now and start shooting. We’re hosting the Deep Time Video Awards in order to smoke out the amazing work that’s ALREADY happening around the world to attune ourselves to the larger context of a stunning evolving universe. We know you’re already doing it! Time to share your work with the world!
What’s “Deep Time”? Regular time has to do with days, weeks, years, decades and hundreds, even thousands of years. Deep Time has to do with millions and billions of years. At the level of Deep Time we see that the whole universe is evolving, and that we are part of a cosmic arc of transformation. What does this mean for how we view everything? Our aim on the Deep Time Journey Network, and with these Awards, is show how the impulse to understand this stunning idea is expressing itself around the globe. How are humans integrating these ideas that are so new to our species? Show us what’s happening in your world.
What do we mean by “Universe”? The universe is everything. Every star, every comet, every flea, every mountain, every river. When we use the word universe, we’re talking not only to what’s out in space, but to everything because everything is part of the universe, and IS theuniverse being that thing.
What we’re looking for: We’re looking for videos that encompass deep time, are scientifically rigorous, and move and inspire us to engage in the work of evolving our planet and by extension the universe. Make extra sure that your science is accurate. We’re looking for videos that show these principles.
Category Descriptions:
This award will go to the best video submitted for all categories.
Goes to the best video of a teacher telling a deep time story. Stories must be scientifically accurate and cover billions of years. If they are nested deep time stories within the story of the universe, such as the story of humans, they must cover millions of years and relate to the universe. We’re looking for videos that appeal to head and heart, evoking wonder and inspiring intense engagement. Submit a video and inspire other teachers! All of the Great Stories in Montessori Cosmic Education would qualify. Submissions can be for primary, elementary & secondary levels. For primary, the video doesn’t need to be about time, rather, it needs to give the child a deep sense of wonder and connection to the whole universe.
Goes to the best video for training teachers about the important of deep time learning. Doesn’t have to be long. We’re looking for videos turn teachers on to the importance of deep time learning (cosmic education) and how it can change a students relation to learning, themselves and the world.
Goes to the best video of a student telling a deep time story. See the requirements under “Classroom Teaching Video.” In this category, we’re looking for elementary and above. The deep time stories can be about the universe, earth, human evolution, evolution of writing and math. All stories should relate the universe. These videos can also take place outside the classroom, in nature, in the community. Most important, it shows young people telling the story.
Goes to the best video of a meditation that connects and attunes us to the universe, inspiring us to fully engage in it’s deep time story.
How can we use a deep time perspective for solving problems local and global problems? How does a deep time perspective provide a framework for understanding local and global problems — their origin impact on the deep time future? Are you using a deep time perspective for personal problem solving? Remember, we’re talking deep time here . . . that means millions, and even billions, of years into the past and the future. This award will go to the best video that shows how.
How are you telling deep time stories in music, art or dance for all audiences, in schools, colleges, communities? Submit them in this category.
This award goes to the video that best shows how a deep time perspective can inform our values such as cooperation, justice, peace, resilience, grit, care for the Earth, civic engagement.
What deep time rituals are you doing in schools, communities, churches, temples and more? Submit them in this category.
Submission Guidelines:
Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2020
Judges: Judges include advisers to the DTJN, leaders in teacher training centers, and many others involved in deep time work for a long.
WINNING VIDEOS will be featured on the Deep Time Journey Network home page, facebook page, twitter, and numerous other places to be announced soon.
Submitting your video:
2. There is a $25 submission fee. If you are a student, please contact DTJN and we’ll give you a coupon
3. Go to this page to submit your video.
For more information, write to [email protected].
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