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Events Details

Date: April 2, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Sponsor: Cocreators Convergence
Meeting Link:

Location Details

Event Location:
Deeptime Network, 249 Mt. Lucas Rd., Princeton, New Jersey, United States


Break Down to Break Through:
A Cosmic Way Forward

with Jennifer Morgan

hosted by Imogene Drummond

sponsored by the Cocreators Convergence

Saturday, April 2, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM ET

Zoom Link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83114637833

(no registration required)

How are we to make sense of the traumatic shift happening on the planet right now? Can a deeptime perspective help us see that this is one way that the Cosmos moves forward at all levels, from our personal lives to Earth to the Cosmos?
Jennifer Morgan, founder of the Deeptime Network and a long time admirer of Barbara Marx Hubbard, will discuss patterns of transformation that modern science is revealing and how they’ve led to radically new understandings of the nature of the universe. We find ourselves in the midst of a stunningly dynamic cosmic process that reaches through the stars, galaxies, and the Earth into the innermost depths of our being.
The Deeptime Network seeks to understand an emerging participatory cosmology that brings together the inner and the outer, the subjective and the objective, the personal and the cosmological as interrelated aspects of a creatively unfolding cosmos that can provide tremendous wisdom during this perilous time for our planet.
Jennifer will discuss the Deeptime Network community and its courses that bring together people across the globe to deepen their understanding and catalyze the global transformation that’s needed today.
ABOUT: Jennifer Morgan, president and founder of the Deeptime Network, is an award-winning author, storyteller, and educator inspired by the work of Teilhard de Chardin, Maria Montessori, Thomas Berry, and Brian Swimme. Her Universe Story Trilogy — Born With a Bang, From Lava to Life, and Mammals Who Morph — are used in classrooms around the world, particularly in Montessori schools as part of the Cosmic Education Curriculum, and have received the Teachers Choice Award, Nautilus Semi Finalist, highest ratings from AAAS and endorsements from Jane Goodall, Neil de Grasse Tyson, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme and others. She is Vice President of the American Teilhard Association. Her life inspiration is to foster emergence by helping to link a planetary nervous system of people immersed in this radical new understanding.
Imogene Drummond
[email protected]

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Event Posted by: Jennifer Morgan (Admin)