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The Deeptime Cafe

Monthly Premium Member Gatherings

Second Thursday, 7-8 pm ET; Third Friday, 12-1 pm ET

July & August are free & open to anyone, registration required!

See dates, times, and registration below. 

There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision.

The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged

in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.

— Teilhard de Chardin

Join premium members in the Deeptime Cafe!

Over the years of offering courses, events, and our Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing Program, we’ve learned that people LOVE to spend time with other Deeptimers.  After all, the Network has remarkable members all around the world and what’s more pleasurable than the joy, inspiration, and FUN of entering a Deeptime space with others.   Our members are yearning to spend time together in an unstructured format, much like you’d experience if you gathered with friends at a coffee shop.  Such gatherings invite surprise connections and become Zones of Activation. They’re open spaces where people can casually drop in, share news, resources, and know how, creating field of synergy.   

We’ve seen over and over that when we set aside unstructured time,

something cosmically magical happens.

— Jennifer Morgan, president, Deeptime Network

The Joy of being together in Deeptime!

For sure you’ve noticed how enjoyable it is to hang out with others who share a Deeptime and Cosmic perspective.  We all need times to be refreshed and inspired!  Social connections, particularly with others who share our interest in Deeptime, help us to be more productive and to enjoy life.  It increases blood flow and has multiple mental and physical health benefits.  With the world in crisis, that’s all the more reason to find comfort, inspiration and synergy in the company of others.  Meetings will be moderated to assure maximum benefit for all!

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people

to change the world.  In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead

Want feedback on a project idea?

Bring it to the Deeptime Cafe!

Have a problem you’d like help with?

Bring it to the Deeptime Cafe!

Want to try out a practice?

Bring it to the Deeptime Cafe!

Looking for resources?

Bring your request to the Deeptime Cafe!

Inside a Deeptime Community We:

Enlarge our Context

Our sphere of meaning & action becomes the whole, a spectacular evolving universe.

Expand our Matrix

We deepen our connections, experiencing our embeddedness within Earth and ourselves as descendants of stars.

Deepen Subjectivity

We awaken new receptors for experiencing the numinous, awe and wonder, rewiring ourselves to the whole. 

Evolve the Universe

We participate in the action of evolution, fulfilling our cosmic gifts and tasks, and birthing an Ecozoic Era.

See Life as a Continuum

We see all the stages of our lives as a story of interrelatedness within the emerging Cosmos


What people are saying about the Deeptime Network . . .

" It is so supportive to have a whole community, from around the world, working together to embody and live out a deep connection to the new cosmology in its ethical and spiritual dimensions. We are the Universe emerging. "
- M.J. Zimmerman

" After 20 years of living into the Universe Story, I was reawakened to how truly empowering it is through what is emerging for others on parallel paths from around the globe. "
— Penny Andrews

" If you're seeking a meaningful story that explains our place in our Universe and in Nature, and like-minded global citizens, this course may be your next step on that journey. " - David Morton Rintoul

" Everything I have known in life is being integrated into unifying perspectives and connectedness which come like seeds being nourished from a deep space of love, abundance, and creativity "
— Marides "Madett" Virola-Gardiola, Philippines

Deeptime courses are not just about learning new ideas, they are a way to commune together to help each other spiral upwards to new heights of wisdom and awakening. "
— Sarbmeet Kanwal

" I am co-creating a space for children older than 7 years old and this course has been granting me a deeper understanding of how I want to position myself and act in this space while deep listening to children. " — Joana Benetton, Brazil

" Being around so many talented and confident people has helped me with developing a children’s book for Montessori Sunday school. " — Nancee Cline

It is all and more than I expected – I am not new to the material though have certainly learned and gained new insights into the wonderful planet we call “home”. 

The assignments are doable, interesting, and inviting.  I am enjoying the course very much.

Am loving it. The small groups are wonderful. It is such a marvelous group of participants. The networking is fabulous.  Love the opening and thoughtful reflections.

I look forward to every session.

I had to miss two weeks and was aware there was something missing in my life, so I know I am finding it really useful and challenging.  Also good to make connections.

I am feeling inspired, energized, and more-connected-than ever!  I am also enjoying the arc of the course, the meditations, quote sharing, and especially the content. 

Upcoming Monthly Dates, Starting in July

Second Thursday (7-8 pm ET); Third Friday (12-1 pm ET)

Thursday, 12th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 20th (12-1 pm ET)

Thursday, 9th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 17th (12-1 pm ET)

Thursday, 13th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 21st (12-1 pm ET)

Thursday, 13th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 21st (12-1 pm ET)


Thursday, 10th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 18th (12-1 pm ET)


Thursday, 8th (7-8 pm ET)

Friday, 16th (12-1 pm ET)


* Starting in December, Zoom links will be sent to premium members.

 Become a premium member for only $8 per month

and drop in on the Deeptime Cafe!

You can stop your membership anytime!

Premium members receive notices about the Deeptime Cafe and a Zoom link to join in.  

Benefits of premium membership

  • Access the Deeptime Hub
  • Access many courses for free
  • Receive News Briefings
  • Post Blogs/Resources
  • Post Events
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Message Members
  • Access Private Teachers FB Group
  • Email Access to our developer for assistance
  • Whatsapp Access to our developer for quick assistance
  • Promote YOUR Work:
    • On Our Social Media
    • In News Briefings

Two Steps to Become a Premium Member


If you haven’t signed up on the site yet, sign up for free and click on activation links in two emails you’ll receive.*

Click here for free sign up!


Once you’ve activated your free sign up, purchase your premium membership.

Click here to purchase premium membership.

* Not sure if you’ve done the free sign up? Try searching for your name by clicking on Community on the menu bar. If your name isn’t there, it means that you haven’t yet done a free sign up.  Be sure to check different spellings.  You can always write to us at [email protected] if you need help.


Questions?   Write to us at [email protected].