• Orla Hazra posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago

    @duane Welcome Duane to the Deep Time Journey collective! I was delighted to meet you at the International Big History Association conference and hearing of the various ways you are approaching the content and the huge variety of organizations you have established for both understanding and the practice of our deep time journey together. I have spent a lot of time with your book The Living Universe since leaving California after the conference. I encourage other pilgrims of the network to explore Duane’s books and I think they would be wonderful text books addressing cosmology and our shift…and then how to practice life out of this shift. The wisdoms of the various global religions are put in conversation with each other and with science in a simple and comprehensive way…really good for students who may be new to all of this and be overwhelmed with literature that is in more technical language and written for ‘scholars’. I teach with students whose primary language is not English in retreat or continuing education settings and also of various wisdom traditions. I needed a book that had language and an approach which was as inclusive as possible and I found it in Duane’s book.
    I am very exicted also about the various members who are using other modalities than books to convey our Story…your numbers are increasing!!!!!!

    thanks again
