• Sam Guarnaccia posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago

    Dear Duane,
    It is an incomparable pleasure to join in welcoming you to this remarkable place! Having just returned from many wonderful (and challenging) journeys, this message comes to you in profound gratitude for your work in helping us all find our way on the ‘greatest’ journey. Even our scale as ‘giants’ in the Cosmos suggests the magnificence of the voyage toward the centers. And if David Bohm is right (and I think he is) that “at every moment, every part of the Universe contains information about the whole” (Elgin, The Living Universe), then we can do nothing more beautiful than enter unreservedly into the constantly expanding flow…..accept the invitation to explore the depths of inter-relationship.
    I would be honored to send you the recording of some music I recently wrote, of the Premiere (the first one!) of the Emergent Universe Oratorio
    (www.samguarnaccia.com), which attempts, through music and words, to explore the ‘Great Story’ of our ‘living Universe’. (I would just need a mailing address, and an email for sending the libretto).
    Wishing you all joy and goodness, in every unrepeatable moment,