• Kyle Herman replied to the topic Montessori Cosmic Education and the Planes of Development in the forum Deep Time Journey Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    I’ve not heard of the Earth Charter before, but from what I see after poking around a bit, it appears as though it would dovetail with Big History’s “unofficial” 9th threshold, Futures. The entire curriculum of Big History leads the student to the present day, in order to appreciate where they came from, how they got here, and what their contribution can be, so as to instill a sense of custodianship of the natural world and seriously grapple with the ecological crises that beleaguer our planet (here is where the paramount objectives of Big History and Cosmic Education fall right in line – think: Cosmic Task). The Earth Charter is something I’ll have to investigate further, but prima facie it seems very well suited for use in the third plane to support Cosmic Education.