• Richard K Fenn posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    @jennifer-morgan Dear Jennifer, Thank you for the detailed presentation of the Principles. I can see how they will stimulate creative and wide ranging responses, from pedagogy and curriculum development to more existential questions. Mine are existential. Do you recommend a personal discipline that I could follow that would deepen my own immediate and personal engagement with the principles, whether that engagement leads me to encounter the universe with awe, or to respond to the searching of a friend, a student or a colleague? And would you have time, be interested, be willing to respond to occasional reflections from me or other participants? I know this is a lot to ask, you might also want to set some guidelines or ask for a basic commitment before becoming willing to respond on a more regular basis to these reflections. Thanks. Dick Fenn

    • Dear Dick,
      I love what you’re suggesting and if there’s interest I would think about developing such a program. These initial steps toward starting professional development are huge and the small team of us who are working to make it happen are on a steep (cliff steep that is) learning curve. In another six months let’s revisit this idea and in the meantime we’ll see if there’s interest from others. You would be a perfect person to help organize such a program Dick. Thanks so much writing this comment.