• Sam Guarnaccia posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    This coming Sunday, February 16th, the Spirit in Nature organization is presenting me with the Vermont 2014 EcoSpirit award for the work, Emergent Universe Oratorio, an award whose first recipient was Bill McKibben. This is a humbling honor, for which I am primarily grateful in having another opportunity to share the story of our glorious cosmogenesis, the work of the DeepTimeJourneyNetwork, and the emerging connections with so many others whose hearts and minds are evolving together toward a hopefully ‘viable human future’ (Thomas Berry), one shared intimately with all life and the stupendous supergalactic to subatomic creation. http://samguarnaccia.com/emergentuniverseoratorio/about.php

    • Congratulations Sam and Paula! So very deserved!!!!!

    • Congratulations to a great team offering pathways into the ‘more than rational’! Can you orchestrate and choreograph a flamenco dance for the ‘greater glory of Cosmogenesis’? I know…….you must have a long line of special requests by now..but….when the flamenco is completed I would like front row tickets. Bravo sam and paula!

      • Orla, please forgive the long delay in responding to this: Oh yes! What a glorious idea…..Flamenco is such a profound, passionate, intense and intimate ‘art’….and more. Please help us hold on to this idea for the coming months…..very demanding in the current unfoldings, which I am sure is true for everyone. Those roots are deep, and together we could create something amazing. One of my dearest friends died in NYC recently; Cecilio Benitez, husband of Maria Benitez, one of the greatest flamenco dancers ever, with whom I was privileged to perform many times. I would love to connect with her again to bring forth this dance that arose in your heart and imagination!