Module 1: Encountering the Universe
Introduction to the New Cosmology
After completing this module participants will be able to:
- Summarize and explain the broad outlines of the science-based Cosmic, Earth, and human stories.
- See the universe as a single creative self organizing process from which everything is derived.
- Recognize Deeptime principles and governing themes at work in personal, cultural, and global situations
- Apply adaptive leadership principles and techniques to work with both resonance and dissonance in relationships
- Compare and contrast functional and dysfunctional cosmologies, and their impacts on leadership, ecology and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) issues, as understood by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme
- Understand that cosmology, ecology and social justice are inseparable expressions of a functional cosmology
- Articulate the difference and complementarity between lineages exploring a grand narrative of the universe — New Story, Big History, Montessori, Gaia Systems Theory
Module 2: Expressing the Universe
Applying the New Cosmology
After completing this module participants will be able to:
- Identify several areas of contemporary culture where Deeptime principles are being applied
- Recognize the benefits, importance, and application of Deeptime principles to social justice, environmental action, human rights, and other diversity, equity, and inclusivity issues.
- Describe ways to implement Deeptime thinking and principles for personal and collective decision making
- Explain the significance of an “Old Story” vs. “New Story” as articulated by Thomas Berry and apply to leadership.
- Understand differences between extraction vs. reciprocity, cultural and economic models.
- Apply the principles of the Earth Charter to social justice, environmental action, human rights, and other diversity, equity, and inclusivity issues.
Module 3: Embodying the Universe
Deeptime Leadership Practicum
After completing this module participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate Deeptime principles in a variety of real-life situations and contexts
- Skillfully navigate complex, chaotic, and unpredictable situations from a grounded place of broad perspective and natural capacity.
- Recognize and apply adaptive, indigenous, and other innovative holistic leadership approaches to a variety of situations.
- Apply principles of innovative decision-making using deeptime principles, conflict navigation, and emergent dialogue in life situations
- Embody deeptime principles through an emergent personally relevant action project that contributes to the Ecozoic and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion).