• Robert Athickal S.J. posted an update 7 years ago

    We have been sailing through the summer days in India. Temperature varies from 45 degrees Celsius to 30
    degrees. It is the time of ripening and fruitfulness for us. Name a fruit and we have them these days, especially the heavenly mangoes.
    We were busy with summer Retreats and plantations. 15 Notre Dame Sisters joined us for six days and hundreds of students for the summer camps and plantation programes. Angie Rizzo from Lehigh Pa is with us for a six week Internship helping us with the plantations of bamboos on the roadsides.


    • Wonderful to hear this news Robert. I can just see and taste those heavenly mangoes based on your description. I wish I was there. Do you know about the International Jesuit Congress that’s about to take place in Cleveland Ohio. There’s an Evolving Universe track. A performance of the Emergent Universe Oratorio, showing of the movie Journey of the Universe and presentations by Mary Evelyn Tucker, Orla Hazra, Barry Rodrigue, Prashant Olalekar and myself. I wish you were here too.