• Robert Athickal S.J. posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago

    This is an oft-repeated story here at Tarumitra..
    We had a lively conversation with a group of university and high school students here, just last week. Their contention was that there are no signs of hope anymore. Things are doomed. Looked like some of them read through Dan Brown’s Inferno which concentrated on the problem of over population and draining of the resources of the earth. When we presented the possibility that we are capable of surmounting the issues through our efforts. They looked totally skeptical, to say the least.
    So I had their ears finally. When we presented the journey of the universe and the subsequent emergence of the human genes through the fire of the big bang and many other excruciating experiences of evolution, they were interested.
    The fact that our genes have evolved out of the many fires of life and that we are capable of withstanding many infernos, some of them smiled and a few clapped.
    I thought we had 62 of them ready to stand up for our future.
    We also had a graduate student towards the end of the sessions from Le High, PA, Ms Heather Doll who represented us at the U.N meetings last two years.
    Attached is a group pic of them under the Kadamb tree here.
    The Big History came alive 31 students from the local St. Xavier’s college decided to extend their hands in our Organic Farm. After the monsoon, it is time for rice plantation.
    Back here we do the plantation with our own hands.
    The students finished the plantation in 48 minutes which usually takes workers for two-three days.
    The students were interested because they want to conserve the planet for the future away from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. So Natural Farming was a consequent choice.
    Secondly, the joy of walking in the mud, the “chap chap” sound of your feet coming out of the grip of the Earth mother was too good a music to miss. That’s how Preeti, a girl in the final year of graduation put it before the group.
    It was nice to have Heather Doll from Le High, USA joining the work at the Organic Farm.
