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    • #18022
      Joyce J Rouse

      If anyone on this list is a Pandora user: How about creating a Pandora channel of Deep Time Music?
      We could land on the radar of folks who find the music of the Cosmic Story.

      Most of my music is playing there, but I have not gotten the hang of creating channels yet. My Earth Mama Christmas Music station got lots of play during the holidays, but it was more by accident than planning.
      Sam and others, is your music there
      Yes, please join Maureen and I in Iowa in June!

    • #17992
      Joyce J Rouse

      My differentiation from you all is that you write to express yourselves so beautifully! My words on paper seldom match my efforts to express them. Like Sam G, (beautiful work you are doing!) I express much of my process with music. But here goes on my responses to above.

      I, too, have struggled with the word tolerance, but words are almost always inadequate to express profound, deep concepts. And each word seems to have “baggage” for somebody…I think perhaps tolerance is the first step to acceptance, compassion and more. So think of it as part of a continum.

      Last week within 24 hours I worked doing musical Cosmic Ed with Pre-K-8th grades AND a nursing home with 80 residents ages 50-105. I find that there are many similarities in the music I choose for these groups to reflect the principles of Earth Literacy and Cosmic Ed. My underlying goal is often to make and keep our world and worldviews BIG. The language of music, both folk and familiar songs from the canon of American and World music to the catalog of songs I’ve written over the years to address specific gaps in the canon, is brain food. Singing lights up more portions of the brain than any other activity according to the latest neuro research.
      When I could not find songs about biodiversity I wrote and recorded them. Like all of you, we are continuing to create and co-create what the Universe is asking for in each evolving moment.
      The bigger we keep our world, mind and information, the more we can tolerate the different/other.
      You can hear all of my music at
      I also recommend for a well cataloged selection of music resources by topic, age, and season.
      Thank you to each of you for your profound creativity and sharing your insights.

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