• Dear Folks,Never has there been any kind of serial narrative more fascinating (to me at least) than the conversations that have shot back and forth  in the past few days.  I sincerely hope that it all continues and that nobody bows out. Though I grew up in a culture of science, with my physicist uncle Val (Fitch) and his brother (my father) ta…[Read more]

  • <p>As a non scientist my only contribution to this discussion is the expression of my gratitude to Duane for initiating such a riveting conversation.  It actually began on the very day that I was, during my arduous journey of self-education regarding science, wondering about the boundaries between life and non life.  I await, with baited breath, t…[Read more]

  • Linda Fitch posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago

    So excited to learn about the Environmental Evolution newsletter as well as your work in general. A great opportunity to learn about the work of Lynn Margulis and others. Love the Teddy Roosevelt quote in your December issue, as Teddy Roosevelt visited our property on Isle La Motte on September 6, 1901 and it was there that he heard the news…[Read more]

  • Wanting to welcome David Oborne to the Deep Time Journey. David and his wife are members of the Education Committee of the Isle La Motte Preservation Trust where we are hosting the extraordinary exhibit, Walk Through Time, on our 83 acre fossil preserve in Vermont. David and his wife Lee are educators extraordinaire and I’m so pleased that they…[Read more]

  • Linda Fitch posted an update 10 years ago

    This is to share a heart warming exchange of emails which I received last night.

    The background is this: I am founder and president of a non profit organization on Isle La Motte, which has preserved about 100 acres of fossil outcrops about 480 million years old called the Chazy Fossil Reef. This geological treasure has been studied by…[Read more]

    • Thanks so much Linda for sharing this. The connections we’re discovering all around are astounding.

  • Here on Isle La Motte, VT we are preparing for the Grand Opening of the fabulous Walk Through Time outdoor exhibit, created by scientist, Sid Liebes. Here is a piece that appeared in a local newspaper.

    The trail begins on a grassy knoll on Isle La Motte with a sign that tells me that the mile long trail I am about to follow depicts a…[Read more]

  • I eagerly awaited this program as yet another potentially important effort to “tell the science based story of the Cosmos” – interestingly presented, I thought, on the Fox Network. The images, as it began, were spectacular but I was initially unhappy with what I experienced as very loud and unduly dramatic music, drowning out, I thought, the…[Read more]

  • Linda Fitch became a registered member 10 years, 6 months ago