• Dr. Rich Blundell replied to the topic Launching Cosmosis1: A new Big History App in the forum Deep Time Journey Forum 10 years, 1 month ago

    Kyle, John, Jennifer and Orla,
    Thanks for all the comments! Expressions of interest in beta testing have really poured in over the past week, so I think it is time to cease the request for more testers. Those of you who offered above, would you mind using the form available through the website (link in above post)? That way we’ll be sure to have the right email to correspond with you and keep things organized. Would love to get your feedback, especially as you folks think about and apply Cosmic Education and the Montessori Philosophies.
    Speaking of Montessori, I am eager to learn more. I have not had the chance to fully explore the intersections of BH and CE, but agree they are very resonant. So, Kyle, Yes, let’s continue the discussion. Can you suggest a VERY concise piece of text or resource that would educate me (keeping in mind that I am already swamped as I prepare for submitting my dissertation). Either way, I look forward to promoting both.
    Orla, thanks for enhancing my understanding of the more inclusive expressions of experiential learning in your thesis. I know that Dewey was at least aware of the diversity of sources of experiential learning but did not address them specifically. His writings were more about establishing the foundations of a new theory of experiential learning, which at the time was revolutionary enough. I’ll look forward to furthering this discussion – perhaps in a new thread?
    PS – Orla, when I saw your phrase “Dinosaur phone” I got really excited. Then I realized that what you really meant was a Dinosaur “of a” phone. But you now have me thinking eagerly about the Cosmosis6 App that will cover between about 200-65 million years ago!

    • good luck rich! when is your ‘defense’ date? just remember that you are the expert in the field and any questions are not second guessing you put actually questions to help them understand. It always amazes me to think that noone else on the planet has approached a research question the way i have, or you have, etc etc and that it is our experiences that drive us to formulate the questions in the first place. Dinosaur phones would be a trendy way to add to boring design square phones for sure…but a new trendy thing is the last thing poor Earth needs now driving more consumer consumption etc etc. I will go to the link now and add Sanat’s phone number. He is a deep timer through osmosis having to listen to me sweat and groan my way through understanding and then the dissertation process….his comments would be valuable as an ‘outsider’ as well as not ‘western’ ie he is from India.