• Duane — (Here’s the URL for the article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27730-this-singlecelled-bug-has-the-worlds-most-extraordinary-eye.html) — A cool critter to be sure. Importantly, there’s only one radiation that uses neurons to detect the outside world, called Animalia or Metazoa. All other organisms have ways of doing this w…[Read more]

  • Description of the dynamics of EMERGENCE covering, among other things: REDUCTION and EMERGENCE; and What is Meant by Religious? — Interpretive Responses (Creation and Purpose, Contingency, The Emergent Human), […]

    • Dear Ursula
      Greetings from Mumbai
      Thank you very very much for posting this article of yours. I am going to go through it with a ‘fine toothed comb’ not unlike the combs I see women using each morning, as they wake up on the streets and comb their long hair to take out the bugs. The weather here is now unbearable as are these daily sights and I hang onto the hope that nuanced ways of telling and understanding our common heritage will evoke other ways of being together. Crucial for us is this word ‘religion’- it sets off all kinds of alarms and rightly so, considering how the term is used and practiced. When I was writing my thesis on cosmology (world view- cartesian vs integral…it is on this site for download) I wrote that cosmology was inherited and was intergenerational, international, interinstitutional and intrareligious. Gabrial Moran had used for the fourth-interreligious and I still struggle with ….is it intra or inter. …because at the root of our cosmology- we consider ourselves either integral (bound- religare) or dualist and the expression of that understanding/cosmology is then reinforced through daily life practice in our families,schools, work and recreation settings. For me the understanding is the key- there are so many ‘religions’ in India as well as indigenous ways. the indigenous people share an integral cosmology which some of us are only now coming to through our shared deep time journey. The popular expressions of ‘religion’ across the various expressions of them is dualist- there is some ” diety” and it is is elsewhere and life is tolerated to get to the ‘elsewhere’. We have a long long way to go..but it is happening. Will write more when i read your article…long live poiesis!!!

    • Dear Ursula!
      Thank you from the bottom of our awe-filled and wonder-full hearts for writing and sharing this fantastic piece!! I can’t wait to read it, but have skimmed enough to have made that statement.
      I am sending you a new compilation recording of the Emergent Universe Oratorio with the new recitatives, now set to more lavish music, with deep gratitude for your generous and inspired editing. Evolutionarily yours, Sam

  • Yes. Maybe before we go any further here, you might read (unless you’ve already done so) the paper by Terry and me that I lifted up early in this conversation. I think it would help our communications. http://www.edtechpost.ca/readings/Ursula%20Goodenough-%20The%20Sacred%20Emergence%20of%20Nature.pdf 

  • Well, um, it’s the term you used.

  • Why invoke a “knowing process”? Why not just say that, given the thermodynamic and molecular-shape constraints of the constituents, they self-organize? 

  • I wrote yesterday: “Ed indicates that some of his ideas could be subjected to empirical tests but that the scientific establishment is too biased to fund such inquiries. I would be interested in what such a grant application would look like.” First-year graduate students in our program take a class where their weekly assignment is to write a…[Read more]

  • Duane — well, I offered a definition of life a few screens ago. Of course you might not agree with it, in which case it could be said to already fail as a common definition, but I predict that most students of biology would agree with it.  But there’s something else afoot here, that Jon and Davidson have at various times pointed out as well,…[Read more]

  • Duane — Dr. Murakami is for sure a legitimate scientist — I wasn’t comfortable with “one of the top geneticists in the world” from his publisher. My publisher blurbs me as “one of America’s leading cell biologists,” which is also incorrect.  His description of the genome’s minute size and extraordinary complexity is totally correct.  Where we…[Read more]

  • Ed: Ah — epigenetics!  I didn’t realize that that was what Dr. Murakami was invoking.  For sure the expression of a given gene is turned on and off on a regular basis. Protein transcription factors, microRNAs, and DNA methylation are the agents/mechanisms we best understand, but others will doubtless be discovered. Stress, disease, exercise, on…[Read more]

  • Hi Duane, welcome back! Murakami may be a very fine man, but “one of the top geneticists in the world” is a line from his book publisher. The rice genome paper has 72 authors, where he is somewhere in the middle. His 2006 book, called The Divine Code of Life: Awaken Your Genes and Discover Hidden Talents…[Read more]

  • Ed wrote: Interestingly, there is now a raging debate in science about whether there is some sort of active intelligence behind what was hitherto through to be purely random processes behind the origin of the universe, the origin of life and perhaps evolutionary processes as well. If there is some sort of intelligence inherent in the universe, t…[Read more]

  • A lot has changed since 1981, Ed. You don’t need all 2000 enzymes in the initial proto-cell (and actually there are now a lot more than 2000). Have you had a chance to read this  yet http://www.edtechpost.ca/readings/Ursula%20Goodenough-%20The%20Sacred%20Emergence%20of%20Nature.pdf  ? 

  • I’m frankly surprised that you are using the dumb/random chance phrase when you are doubtless aware that random chance in biology only creates variability and that it’s selection for those that work that drives the process, selection being the antithesis of random. I’m again not an expert here, but it’s my understanding that the term “information”…[Read more]

  • “According to this controversial fine-tuning hypothesis, life can only evolve in rare patches of the multiverse where the fundamental constants are fine-tuned to support the existence of life.” The fine-tuning trope carries the implication of there being a fine tuner. I for one prefer the concept that in at least one universe of the multiverse, t…[Read more]

  • If you get hydrogen nuclei hot enough they fuse to make helium, and if you get helium nuclei hot enough they fuse to make carbon. http://aether.lbl.gov/www/tour/elements/stellar/stellar_a.html

  • Ed wrote: I suppose that a statistically minded cosmologist could compute the probability of (and thus the expected quantity of) carbon formation in the universe based on random processes alone and compare that with actual measurements. Perhaps in this way you could show that it is “necessary” for intelligence to guide otherwise inert matter,…[Read more]

  • Karen — This is known as the anthropic principle, which takes many forms. The wiki article is a good intro.  

  • As I am neither a neuroscientist nor a physicist, I invited a departmental colleague who is a physics-trained neuroscientist to read through some of this conversation and offer her/his assessment. Here’s the response:  The software analogy is deeply flawed both in discussions of computer “intelligence” and particularly with respect to life and…[Read more]

  • Re-posting my list with additional commentary in boldface.. I’ve lost track of which “Western science” definition(s) of life are to be included in the forthcoming glossary, but I’ll go ahead and offer the ” minimal list of list of features that constitute all present-day organisms on planet earth” that I offered in our course The Epic of Evolutio…[Read more]

  • I’ve lost track of which “Western science” definition(s) of life are to be included in the forthcoming glossary, but I’ll go ahead and offer the ” minimal list of list of features that constitute all present-day organisms on planet earth” that I offered in our course The Epic of Evolution. 1) Ability to capture and utilize energy from the…[Read more]

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