This experiential course contributes to a growing understanding that all life is interconnected and part of an evolving universe. It’s an invitation to fall in love with Earth, to enter more deeply into relationship, and ignite sparks of compassion that lead to action.
The course incorporates cosmology, psychodrama and poetry; and the development of practices that enhance appreciation of the ‘Cry of Earth’ in this time of unprecedented fragility.
— Margie Abbott, RSM
Create practices that . . .

. . . reframe context and language inside a COSMOGENETIC Universe
What happens when we change our foundational context to that of a universe that’s been transforming for 14 billion years, is continuing to change, and in which humans play a crucial part of the story? With this new view, an unknown future opens up; stunning new possibilities appear.
These practices contribute to Goal Six of Laudato Si’ (Ecological Spirituality) which invites changing language and developing prayer and ritual to mirror the interconnectedness of everything and the Spirit of Love permeating all matter.

. . . unleash our zest and creativity
Guided by the principles of spontaneity and creativity each session will include personal reflection, silence, contemplative listening, and groupwork. Expect to become creators of beauty, inspired, captivated and trusting that the powers of the universe are flowing within you.
. . . call forth a new way of being
In this course, you can expect: to reverse roles with an albatross, the ocean, soil and earth community subjects; to be attentive to beauty; to open to fresh ways of experiencing prayer and ritual; to create practices for an Ecozoic Era that reflect the Universe Story; to hear the call to right relationship; and to experience ALL of reality as sacred.
“We are living in the midst of a great epochal shift, and we need a new religious awareness.” — Ilia Delio

. . . embed us within Earth
“We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters, entitled to plunder her at will…We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of Earth; our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters.” (Laudato Si’ 2015 1-2)
““…apart from Teilhard and his followers, most Christian thinkers, rather than widening their scientific vision of nature, have been content to ignore cosmology as irrelevant to their understandings of human specificity.”
— John Haught
. . . braid three forms of knowledge
The three forms, according to Robin Wall Kimmerer, are Indigenous knowledge, scientific/ecological knowledge, and plant knowledge. Strength comes when they are interwoven, much as Native sweetgrass is plaited. “It’s not the land which is broken, but our relationship to land,” she says. “That’s the work of artists, storytellers, parents. We braid sweetgrass to come into right relationship.”

. . . and evolve the Universe.
It’s time as Brenda Peddigrew says “to enter into a physical heart-centred and nurturing relationship with Earth.” And Sally Neaves adds, “rituals provide an opportunity for groups to express the sacred depths we encounter in the Earth Community, to take up the challenges of our times in imaginative ways and to deal with the grief that we share that may otherwise leave us frozen.”
Image to left by Imogene Drummond ©
This course will bring to life Goal Six of the Laudato Si’ Seven Year Platform: ECOLOGICAL SPIRITUALITY.
Ecological Spirituality springs from a profound ecological conversion and helps us to “discover God in all things,” both in the beauty of creation and in the sighs of the sick and the groans of the afflicted, aware that the life of the spirit is not dissociated from worldly realities. Actions could include promoting creation-based liturgical celebrations, developing ecological catechesis, retreats and formation programmes, etc.- Laudato Si’ Goal 6 Seven Year Platform
Videos of Margie Abbott . . .
Ecozoic practices help us experience four Deeptime Principles
- Context: Ecozoic practices connect us to a cosmogenetic universe.
- Matrix: Ecozoic practices give us a direct experience of radical relatedness in a participatory universe.
- Subjectivity (self organization, interiority): Ecozoic practices deepen our sense of subjectivity and transformation in a creative universe.
- Action: Ecozoic practices help us to act whole heartedly within the whole.
“Earth is sacred once and for all. And Earth is under stress!”
— Margie Abbott, Cosmic Sparks, pg. 13
Session Descriptions
Session 1 (April 4): Morning is Broken – Introduction to methodology of role reversal, sociometry and the reason for the urgency of this course which is to offer and evoke practices that will contribute to the Field we all share and a group realization that we are all one in this evolving Universe and unfolding future. Expect time to reflect, listen to one another contemplatively and share respectfully, reverently and responsibly. Experiential groupwork underpins this course and poetry, video and music will enhance our learning together.
Session 2 (April 11): Power of Now is Here Now – Continuing our appreciation and understanding of the links between cosmology, theology and contemplative listening, we will explore the power of lament and experience a variety of lament rituals that will be enhanced with videos, poems and music.
Session 3 (April 18): We Shall Be Known – Ecozoic Practices integrate the wisdom of Universe Story, and the call to right relationship with the larger reality. “Pope Francis urges us to take the time and trouble to become more aware of, more interested in and more excited by the undreamt horizons opening up before us.” Daniel O’Leary 2018:26
We’ll re-visit our earlier learnings and re-understand our familiar beliefs, teachings, practices and spiritualities inside an evolutionary context. We will continue to build bridges between the old story and the new story, experientially and contemplatively, using poetry, music, drama and videos.
Break Week (April 25): Time to spend with yourself – journaling, creating, and producing with a spirit of discernment and willingness to take risks.
Session 4 (May 2): The Body Prayer – We’ll Integrate: cosmology with body, spirit and mind; four pathways of creation centered spirituality; four directions; and four moments of Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects Spiral; sharing our practices and creating a gift for the world as a contribution to Goal 6, Ecological Conversion, Laudato Si’ Seven Year Platform.

Reading Materials:
Igniting a Re-Enchantment with the Sacred
by Margie Abbott, RSM
Each ritual offered in the book has a brief reference in bolded text to helpful book or website to explore. There will be suggested readings from this book, articles and Youtube videos assigned each week.
Learn and Share:
2) The Components of Practices
3) How to Reframe Traditional Forms
5) Practices for Eco-activism
6) Practices to evolve consciousness
You can:
- get your questions answered by Margie Abbott and interact with other participants between sessions in an online course discussion, and
- watch recordings of sessions which will be posted in the course space for up to one year.

“Scientists estimate that with the passing of each second, another star has exploded and is disbursing its treasures. This extravagant gift-giving is the spirituality of the universe. It is a form of cosmic love that enables the future to emerge.”
— Brian Swimme, Cosmogenesis
Why is this course important?
Practices are a powerful way to embody, celebrate, and deepen our way of contemplative listening; to hear what is emerging from within and to share with a group. According to Brian Swimme in his new book COSMOGENESIS, “To give birth to a new cosmological story requires a profound creativity.” And that profound creativity comes from within at the nexus between the personal and the cosmic. This course is a response to the times through contemplative listening.
Are you . . .
- Searching for ways to fall in love with Earth as your ancestor and kin?
- Ready to reframe context, languages and practices in an evolving universe, moving toward an unknown future?
- Longing to use creative ecozoic practices on a daily basis in your personal life and within groups?
- Wishing to create opportunity for others to share in Earth rituals?
- Over-stretched by the daily news of cataclysm and the effects of “overshoot” and longing to enliven your spirit and address your fears?
- Yearning to understand GOD as embodied in Earth?
then this course is for you!

We feel so at home in the Deeptime Network courses. This community is unique.
— Elizabeth Carranza & John Leydon, Philippines
Who is this for?
- Everyone who is moved by the planetary plight and longs to live with integrity as cosmic beings in an Earth-community.
- Teachers who want to honour the fear, inspire the hope, fan the awe, and empower the creativity of the younger generations.
- Spiritual/religious leaders who want to offer relevant gatherings, address the challenges of these times, and ground holy rites, practices, and sacraments in the current cosmic and ecological wisdom, evolving language, and emerging symbols.
- Parents and grandparents who long to deepen the experience of daily, seasonal, and special holidays by reframing them inside the deeper stories, symbols, and teachings of Mother Earth and Grandmother Universe.
- Artists/Poets/Dancers who experience their creativity as ritual and wish to serve as vessels of evolutionary consciousness in these times.
- Eco-justice activists who practice and need ritual to sustain their passions and physical strength.
- Scientists who wish to honour the sacred, spiritual, and scientific are one in a quantum universe and incorporate ritual into life and work.
- Healers and healing practitioners who want to augment healing power that comes from deep understanding.
- Politicians/Activists looking for a larger context and understanding to address the crises of today.
- Mental Health Practioners who understand that our cosmologies and rituals give us meaning and purpose. Dysfunctional cosmologies can be at the root of mental illness and addiction.
- Everyone allured to be the Change, part of the Great Turning, Evolutionaries, and Earth advocates .

Margie Abbott, RSM:
Margie Abbott RSM lives in Geelong Australia. Inspired by a dynamic and creative impulse Margie offers courses and retreats in eco-spirituality which integrate her qualifications, lifelong learning, and passionate desire to share her gifts. Her qualifications include MA Theology Flinders University 1995; MA Pastoral Ministry: Spirituality Concentrate Boston College 1988; and Psychodrama AANZPA 2005. Margie is the author of four Earth ritual books all of which show how her understanding of science, theology and cosmology have evolved over the years between 1996 and 2022. In her private practice Igniting Sparks Margie offers supervision, spiritual direction, agapes, retreats, eco workshops and is part of Integral Ecology Fellowship Program for ISMAPNG as presenter and mentor.
Scientific thinking about the universe is not only socially valuable, it’s essential for our culture so we can come together on common ground on the problems we are currently facing as a species.
— Stephan Martin interviewing Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams,
View from the Center of the Universe
What people are saying about the Deeptime Network . . .
Our Learning Management System
We use Sensei integrated with Buddypress so that participants can engage in asynchronous course discussions, and share resources, profiles, and information about their organizations. We’ve had experience using this technology with people of all levels of technical capability. If you have any questions, we’re right there to help you. This particular course will not be recorded since it’s experiential. The course will remain open for one year so you can revisit resources, stay in touch, and continue to share thoughts and resources with others sharing the journey with you. Our fearless developer, Mohit Sharma, stands at the ready to solve any tech problems that might crop up a long the way.
Questions? Write to us at [email protected].