Royal Society’s “New Trends in Biological Evolution” – A Bloodless Revolution
Click for this Resource!In London from 7-9 November 2016, …a groundbreaking summit at the British Royal Society. of 300 scientists from around the world gathered to evaluate a sea change in evolutionary theory. … This was the crux of the meeting: for most of a century evolutionary biology has ignored the profound sensitivity and responsiveness of organisms in real time. … Evolution proceeds very rapidly in some cases. … One realizes that Charles Darwin’s Origin Of Species is more accurate in its initial version of evolution than the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis. An inferior model has ruled biology with an iron fist ever since.
- Used by people who call the work: Gaia Theory/Science-Based Systems Thinking
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Agriculture, Art, Biology and Earth Systems Science, Ecology/Sustainability, Education, Government, Law, Religion/Spirituality, Social Justice
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Elementary 3 - 5, Higher Education, Lifelong, Middle 6 - 8, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Article
- Keywords: Royal Society, New Trends in Evolution, neo-Darwinism, Evolution, paradigm shift
- Why I love this Resource: I attended the meeting and Perry Marshall's account is spot on. This was a milestone in our understanding of evolution through deep time.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: James MacAllister
- Date Added: December 3, 2016