Corona Verse, by Nanette Fondas Big History in the Italian middle schools: a manifesto against knowledge fragmentation, by Paolo Vismara, YouTube presentation, Big History Italia
Take a journey into Deep Time! Andrey Korotayev | The 21st Century Singularity and the Future of the World: A Big History Perspective,     Book
Take a Big History Course! Big History from Crash Course
Big History from University of Amsterdam Big History from Macquarie University Big History from Kahn Academy
Dear Friends of Big History,

We have important news to share with you in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. We have postponed the 2020 Big History Conference to next year, 2021, and will be adding an exciting worldwide digital component to it. We warmly invite you to the newly re-scheduled big history conference that will be held from 1–5 August 2021.

With Barry Rodrigue at the helm as organizer, the conference will convene at the Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts in Pune, Maharashtra, India. The theme of the conference is even more important than ever– Changing the World: Community, Science, and Engagement with Big History.

How should we draw on the sciences in order to engage with the pressing dilemmas of our time, how can we place our own issues within the context of Big History, how do we consider the ways to change the world and build more nurturing, healthy communities? We need to recover a vision of our common humanity and fashion together a shared future. We will need your help with these urgent questions at our 2021 conference.

The conference will follow the format as planned. One of the exciting developments is the addition of an interactive digital component that will allow for electronic engagement around the planet. After the conference, there will be a choice of seminars for folks to attend around India, which highlight the theme of world change through our communities.

Please check in at to see the latest information on the 2021 big history conference. We ask that you continue to sign up for the conference online. All those who have signed up so far are continued to the 2021 event. Anyone with questions, please contact our organizer, Barry Rodrigue, at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in India just over a year from now!