New Website for the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology–
May 4, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce today the launch of a new website for the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. As Bill McKibben says: “This reflects years of work by the Forum with many people around the planet in helping to create a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religion and ecology. It will be the ‘go to’ website for years to come.”

With this new website we are especially honored to announce the Forum’s new partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth Initiative. This is directed by UNEP Senior Principal Advisor, Iyad Abumoghli, who is committed to highlighting the moral and spiritual contributions of the world’s religions to our growing environmental challenges. UNEP is a critical planetary leader on environment issues, and this partnership will bring together the research of science and policy with the perspectives of religion and ethics.

Dr. Abumoghli writes: “Faith for Earth has agreed with the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology to unite efforts and strengthen one knowledge platform building on the vast and extensive work of the Forum over the past two decades.”

The website has rich resources ranging from overview essays, annotated bibliographies, statements, engaged projects, and sacred texts of the world’s religions. It also has sections on the climate emergency and on Laudato Si’. We trust you will find the website even more accessible as the updated layout is visually appealing and easy to navigate. It also has a section linking to our multimedia project and Emmy Award winning film, Journey of the Universe.

As always, we are pleased to share news, events, and publications that are related to the intersection of religion and the environment in our monthly Forum newsletter. Feel free to contact us with relevant details or sign up for the newsletter here.

We are pleased to acknowledge ongoing partnership in this work with the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI) in creating resources of Faith Toolkits and with the Parliament of World Religions Climate Action Task Force in assisting with a forthcoming book Earth and Faith with UNEP.
We are so appreciative of the dedicated work done by our Forum team over this past year in creating this resource. Tara Trapani has been the lead project manager, and we are enormously grateful for the time and energy she has devoted to this project. We also offer deep thanks to Greg Hansell, Mike Slattery, Elizabeth McAnally, Sam Mickey, and Anna Thurston for their invaluable help. And we express our gratitude to the many colleagues around the world who have shared their work to enrich both the content and the visual appeal of the site.

We encourage you to explore the new website, and we hope you will find it beneficial for your own vital efforts. Let us continue to work together to create a flourishing Earth Community.

With gratitude for your contributions,

Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Co-founders and Co-directors
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
