‘Sparks of the Universe. Rituals awakening appreciation for Earth our Common Home’
Click for this Resource!Sparks of the Universe is a book of rituals – a resource for educators, students and all those committed to awakening ecological awareness. The rituals invite stillness, deep listening, communal reflection and engagement with the environment. The spirit of young people requires nurturing. The rituals in Sparks of the Universe provide an opportunity to nurture and create places of grounded hope at these times of ecological crisis.
‘Sparks of the Universe’ is available in Australia from coventrypress.com.au and Internationally from you usual book supplies eg book depository, etc
- Used by people who call the work: Story of the Universe
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Current Issues, Ecology/Sustainability, Education, Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Elementary 3 - 5, Higher Education, Middle 6 - 8, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Book
- Keywords: Earth Rituals, Earth our Common Home, Creation, Young People, Laudato Si
- Why I love this Resource: The simple rituals such as 'Star Gazing', 'Listening to Trees,' 'Whales:Singing One Song,' 'are designed to awaken the child and adult to a world of wonder, beauty and intimacy.' Gail Worcelo. Green Mountain Monastery and The Thomas Berry Sanctuary, Vermont, USA.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Jennifer Callanan
- Date Added: April 28, 2020