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Events Details

Date: May 19, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sponsor: American Teilhard Association
Website: http://www.teilharddechardin.org/index.php/event
Meeting Link:

Location Details

Event Location:
Union Theological Seminary, 3041 Broadway, New York, New York, United States


Soon after completing his service as a stretcher bearer in World War I, Teilhard described one of his mystical visions in an essay entitled “The Spiritual Power of Matter.” In this essay, he shares how he, like the patriarchs and prophets of old, became aware that he was being drawn to follow the road of fire. Little did he know at the time how intense his future struggles would be or how profound the suffering that his commitment would require. Still, he remained faithful, understanding that, as a participant in an evolutionary world, he should expect and embrace struggle as the price to be paid for progress. It was this evolutionary spirituality that also animated and sustained his hope in the future of our world despite the difficulties that beset humanity in every age. In this lecture, we walk with Teilhard along his road of fire to learn how to deal with the struggles that are ours.
Kathleen Duffy, SSJ is Professor of Physics at Chestnut Hill College, where she directs the Interdisciplinary
Honors Program and the Institute for Religion and Science. She is editor of Teilhard Studies and serves on
the Advisory Boards of the American Teilhard Association and Cosmos and Creation. Her present research
deals with the way Teilhard de Chardin’s religious writings connect with modern science. She has published
several book chapters and articles on these topics, an edited volume of essays entitled Rediscovering
Teilhard’s Fire (St. Joseph’s University Press, 2010), and Teilhard’s Mysticism: Seeing the Inner Face of
Evolution (Orbis Books, 2014).

To register, go to:  http://www.teilharddechardin.org/index.php/event

Category(ies): No Categories
Event Posted by: Jennifer Morgan