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Events Details

Date: December 2, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Sponsor: Creation Spirituality Communities
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On the first Thursday of each month, Creation in Crisis sponsors a conversation with a speaker who is approaching the global ecological crisis through spirituality, activism, and creativity. We have hosted scientists, lawyers, activists, philosophers, and artists.

On December 2, 2021, we will be gathering people from the Creation Spirituality Movement who are plying their earth activism on the regional, local, and personal level as examples of things we can do at home to support the movement. Several of our presenters are members of the DeepTime community:  Shirley Prevarik, Nancy Cosgriff, Carol Kilby, Penny Andrews, and Gail Ransom.

Please join us!



These three points of entry reflect the three vocations of Creation Spirituality, mysticism, prophetic action, and the arts.

Event Posted by: Gail Sofia Ransom