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Events Details

Date: February 1, 2019 - April 9, 2019
Time: All Day
Website: http://www.ties-edu.org/signup/
Flyer pdf: Download
Meeting Link:

Location Details

Event Location:
Endicott College, 376 Hale St., Beverly, MA, United States


TIES is now reviewing applications for our 2019 Cohort. In April we will host Transitions in Integrative Learning, a five week course designed to prepare adult learners for immersion into graduate studies. Find more information here.

TIES offers two M.Ed. options:
Integrative Learning for those who wish to explore an experiential, dynamic paradigm for education; and Montessori Integrative learning for educators immersed in the global Montessori movement.

Integrative learning is learning that is beyond interdisciplinary studies, as it embraces overarching contexts that form a web of interconnection. Nothing is explored in isolation and all aspects of learning are related: personal and intellectual, cognitive and spiritual.

Integrative learning begins from universal understanding that life on Earth is a derivative of an evolutionary cosmos. By integrating all content, students come away with concrete ideas for their present and future contributions to the Earth community.

Montessori Integrative Learning combines the ideas of integrative learning with the wisdom of the Montessori vision, all experienced in an online “Montessori-process” environment.

The April course is just five weeks, freeing up June, July and August before studies begin again in September.

Questions to explore include:

How can recognizing and mapping transitions aid in developing new insights and approaches for learning?

In what ways can these approaches be applied in the context of education and integrative learning?

Event Posted by: Philip Snow Gang