It couldn’t be clearer: the power of interrelatedness
Click for this Resource!It doesn’t take a pandemic to tell us that our culture has its values and rewards upside down. But it may take a pandemic to show us that we are also completely dependent on sound ecosystems, where viruses such as the new coronavirus have no reason to break away from their evolutionary niche. Tug on any one string, and you pull on the whole fabric. Tug on enough strings at the same time and the fabric loses all integrity. It will be years before we comprehend the full effect of this pandemic. But we can already see that we are all completely, intimately, and sometimes desperately interrelated. This essay is one of a series of explorations of Brian Swimme’s Powers of the Universe.
- Used by people who call the work: Cosmic Evolution, New Cosmology
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Biology and Earth Systems Science, Current Issues, Ecology/Sustainability, Religion/Spirituality
- Learning Stages: Lifelong
- Type: Website
- Keywords: interrelatedness, interdependence, powers of the universe, Brian Swimme
- Why I love this Resource: I'm exploring Brian Swimme's Powers of the Universe to see how we can use these energies to foster our evolution as a species.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: Betsey Crawford
- Date Added: May 14, 2020