Natural Genesis is a bibliography and anthology website in support of the Grand Cosmic Narrative, Emergent Dynamic Universe, New Story movement by many names, for which the Deep Time Journey Network provides a homesite community. It’s address is, with this subtitle: An Annotated Anthology Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe. The title tries to Join natural selection with the prior natural genome-like source.
In collaboration with Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, and Brian Swimme a decade ago, the website has been posted since 2004. Its working premise is a new dimension of learning and discovery due to an emergent humankind just coming to its own knowledge. By February 2015 it contains over 2,000 text pages and 5,000 entries. the subject matter is more scientific but its table of contents runs from original wisdom to a viable Gaia. A search box on the home page can be used for any name or subject.
Creator of the website, Arthur Fabel, was a reader at Thomas Berry’s request for THE UNIVERSE STORY manuscript, and prepared the reference list for THE JOURNEY OF THE UNIVERSE. In regard, Natural Genesis respectfully tries to provide growing documentary evidence for a life, person, bioplanet, and future friendly narrative we know is there. A 2014 Decadal Review with Anthropo and Cosmo Sapiens sections shows added signs of progress and promise.