New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives
Click for this Resource!“New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives ” is a joint meeting of the Royal Society and the British Academy of Science to discuss the new paradigm of evolution. At this site, you can listen to audio files of the entire meeting. Described as a bloodless revolution, the Modern synthesis (neo-Darwinism, “selfish genes” are shown to be insufficient to explain the many new discoveries of the nucleus as a dynamic organelle of the cell that is able to perform its own natural genetic engineering in response to the environment.
- Used by people who call the work: Big History, Gaia Theory/Science-Based Systems Thinking
- Applies a deep time evolutionary perspective to: Agriculture, Biology and Earth Systems Science, Ecology/Sustainability, Education, Other (evolution of Earth)
- Learning Stages: Adult Education, Higher Education, Lifelong, Secondary 9 - 12
- Type: Audio
- Keywords: life, levels, scales, relativity, biological relativity, quantum mechanics, biological organization, Denis Nodle, neo-Darwinism, Modern Synthesis, Conrad Waddington, Barbara McClintock
- Why I love this Resource: A great example of scientific presentations and discussions. This was an historic event described as a bloodless revolution that showed that the Modern Synthesis is insufficient to explain evolution writ large. It explores the many discoveries for how evolution actually works.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- Posted By: James MacAllister
- Date Added: February 1, 2017