Of Leadings and the Inner Light: Quakerism and the New Cosmology
Click for this Resource!Link to FileConnie Barlow, creator of The Great Story website, asked a number of people to write about how the the great story influences the individual’s experience and understanding of their particular religious tradition. This essay describes how religious traditions, in this case Quakerism, can find a home within the news story, and how individuals may be led to more profound and richer meanings within a tradition in the context of the new story.
- Used by people who call the work: Cosmic Evolution, Journey of the Universe, Story of the Universe, The New Story
- Learning Stages: Adult Education
- Type: Document
- Keywords: gathered meeting, cosmic creativity, sacrament, mystical experience, indwelling Light, unitive life, Quakers, leadings
- Why I love this Resource: It is important to hold together the recent breakthroughs in understanding coming our of science with some traditional insights and knowings.
- Link to Resource: Click here
- File:https://dtnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Magnificent-Cosmos1.jpg
- Posted By: Mary Conrow Coelho
- Date Added: September 18, 2013