Active 2 months agoMember's groups
This group is for the Cosmogenesis course
This is a Discussion Group for the professional development program Deep Time Education in a K-8 Public School (Non-Montessori)
This is a Discussion Group for the professional development program Bridging the Cosmic Gap: Big History in Montessori Adolescent Programs
This the discussion group that goes with the course by the same title.
For info about navigating courses, go to https://dtnetwork.org/course-info/
For info about navigating courses, go to https://dtnetwork.org/course-info/
This is a Discussion Group for the professional development program Cosmogenesis and the Emergence of a New Human
This is a Discussion Group for the professional development program Deep Time Storytelling for All Ages
Professional Development
Group connected with ”Reclaiming the Cosmic in Holiday Rituals” Course.
Timelines in Cosmic Education Course
Cosmic Themes and Human Development: From Birth and Throughout Life
Cosmology Basics: Three Things to Know About Your Universe
this group is for
This group goes with the course — Deeptime Leadership Practicum
This group goes with Evolutionary Ritual Course
Group that goes with the course — Applying the New Cosmology (Spring 2022)
Group that goes with the course — Introducing the New Cosmology.