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    • #5006
      Imogene Drummond



      The clarity of your vision, and the depth of your synthesizing information with wisdom is phenomenal. What breath-takingly impressive, important, and exciting work. Well Done!



    • #4752
      Imogene Drummond

      The Principles are absolutely terrific, Jennifer! I like how well thought-out and clear they are, and that there is a “building” motion to them, i.e., from discernment to evaluation to purpose, and from experience to understanding to participation. I think all the topics are compelling, and alas, don’t think my experience as an educator is enough at this time to be useful for you regarding my input about them. However, I can imagine that, sometime down the road, all of these topics will be available in Deep Time Education.

      You’re amazing the way you keep enlarging this community to make Deep Time a more vibrant part of our lives!

    • #4738
      Imogene Drummond

      Dear Brandon, Laura, Davidson, and Jennifer,


      I think this is one of the most important issues facing us today, as educating children about diverse creation stories has deep ameliorative ramifications for the future.


      Your curriculum sounds fantastic, Brandon! I love the name “Big Spiral History,” and the way it conveys a non-linear concept that integrates growth, motion, and time. I’ll check out your blog.


      Imho, beginning where children are by facilitating their participation prior to giving them information is brilliant, Laura! It’s a great way to engage students, and also promotes them to think of themselves as proactive “creators” who can create creation stories.


      I agree, Davidson and Jennifer, you can’t go wrong w Mircea Eliade as well as Montessori Cosmic Education!


      I’m particularly excited by the work you and others on the Network are doing! As you, Brandon, asked for suggestions for projects with which to connect, I want to let you know about my creativity program that’s linked to an evolving universe. DIVINE SPARKS connects the creativity in the universe w the creativity within each of us. I’m currently teaching it to 5th graders at a visionary school for at-risk youth and seeing significantly positive results. Students are exhibiting increased self-esteem, as well as increased learning and social skills. As an artist and former psychotherapist, I’m interested in igniting empowerment through creativity and raising awareness that we are part of the universe. For more info, please see my website: You can view the film trailer here:


      I look forward to hearing more about your curriculum, Brandon, and others who are doing related work!

      All the best,


    • #3587
      Imogene Drummond

      Hi Duane, Jonathan, and Jennifer,


      I find this a thoroughly fascinating conversation.  @duane: I greatly admire and respect your work supporting and promoting Living in a Living Universe and Great Transition Stories. I also agree with the clarity of your statement on your DTJN profile that “With deep time comes not only a longer sense of perspective but also a deeper and wider sense of perspective as well.” This makes so much sense. The necessity for multi-dimensional understanding of the universe is vitally important.  As I wrote the “other” letter (not the one Jennifer refers to in her initial post on this thread) in the IBHA ORIGINS newsletter in which I proposed that the IBHA expand their identity to include both scientific and meta-scientific approaches, I’m interested to hear your response to my ideas. Perhaps I could have described including “meta-scientific” approaches as providing wider and deeper understanding of the universe—and a wider and deeper IBHA identity.


      I’d love to hear your feedback. For my article, see pp 23-25. Here’s a link to the ORIGINS newsletter:

      I appreciate your comments and look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully other DTJN members.

      Warm regards,
      Imogene Drummond, MSW, MFA

    • #3226
      Imogene Drummond

      What a fascinating and informative conversation! I’m impressed and excited by the connections you all are making between diverse ideas/theories and practices. It is extremely heartening to learn how deeply the Montessori Cosmic Education is founded on and integrated with the story of the universe. I agree with Michael Duffy that children need to experience the cosmic story at an early age in order to integrate it later in their lives; and with Kyle Herman that academic focus for teens needs to be seen through the lens of Cosmic Education. Your comments make so much sense. Betsy Coe and Sam Guarnaccia’s ideas about planes of development, spiral dynamics, waves of development, and learning are exceptional, heady, and inspired! As life and learning are dynamic and non-linear, the idea of a spiral curriculum, waves and planes resonates with me deeply. In my opinion, The Earth Charter is the result of a lot of highly conscious, far-sighted thought and work. I think incorporating it in schools is a brilliant way to make learning/education and The Earth Charter more integrated in our lives.

      Thank you all for such enlightened and stimulating comments. Learning about ways the story of the universe is informing education, and of connections between diverse areas is uplifting and encouraging! A truly exceptional forum!

    • #3156
      Imogene Drummond

      I love this! It is compelling, exciting and deeply meaningful. This is exactly what our world needs! Hopefully, it will educate children, and also lead to other educational organizations and systems integrating some similar ideas–especially the idea of personal responsibility in the context of an evolving universe. Thanks for posting this!

    • #2848
      Imogene Drummond

      This thread is amazing! The info, much of which is new to me–ie Dewey’s An experience, somatic ways of knowing, Cosmic Education–totally resonates w me. It is deeply meaningful to see this kind of viewpoint and knowledge being discussed and shared. The DTJN is clearly facilitating cross fertilization, as Jennifer says. Your website Omniscopic, app, and thesis are all intensely insightful and articulate, Rich! I love how you connect macro and micro, sublime & mundane. I will check out Montessori’s Cosmic Education–thank you, Kyle, for your suggestion of a short book. I too love the idea of a dinosaur app that’ll cover 200-65 million years ago! I need to learn more about all the ideas mentioned in the above posts. Thank you all for this exciting, expansive thread.

    • #2819
      Imogene Drummond

      Wow, thank YOU for your wonderful response, Rich!!! I love it that you are so perceptive & articulate!!! MANY thanks for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. 🙂

      BTW, as I knew little about filmmaking when I began Divine Sparks film, it took many years. Then, I made a companion book & am now looking for a publisher. (It’s become an immersive journey!) The music, which I agree is so perfect & creative, is by an amazing friend of mine–David Rothenberg. Have you heard of him? He’s an award-winning “interspecies musician/composer,” philospher-naturalist, & author who plays improv w birds & whales! For more info, pls check out my website:

      Thank you again for your wonderful response!! Wishing you great good fortune w your stupendous app!


    • #2815
      Imogene Drummond

      OMG, Rich, I like the way you think–it’s so experiential, inclusive, connective and expansive! As a deeptime artist/filmmaker myself, I find your work and new Cosmosis app VERY exciting!!! I especially love that the visual in your app is an expression of Light. And that you’re connecting education, Big History, and technology. And, that you’re helping people experience paradigm-shifting realizations. That’s no small feat! I’ll post your app ws info on facebook asap.
      BTW, I think Divine Sparks, my award-winning 30-min film that celebrates the creativity in the universe, will resonate with you. You can check out the trailer here: I hope you enjoy it!


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