Active 9 months, 1 week agoForum Replies Created
October 6, 2015 at 10:58 am #4811
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterHi Everyone, This post is a test to see if posts are working in the back end as they should. Jennifer
September 18, 2014 at 4:08 pm #3198
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterThanks Sam for making these links to the Earth Charter, Ken Wilbur, Thomas Berry, and Spiral Dynamics. The Network is all about making these links across different lineages, seeing the common threads. Teaching the Earth Charter in Plane Three makes a lot of sense at the Secondary Level — building upon the understanding fostered in the prior planes and bringing that understanding to fulfillment inside of personal and collective responsibility. Just wondering Kyle and Betsy, do you think that teaching the Earth Charter at the Secondary Level is a good idea . . . maybe you’re doing it already.
March 19, 2014 at 11:20 am #2370
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterHad coffee with member Linda Fitch this morning at Chez Alice in Princeton,our usual haunt, and she gave me this link to an article about the Breaking News by Michael Lemonick in Time Magazine. Mike is a friend here in Princeton . . . have coffee with him too in the same coffee shop.
March 19, 2014 at 10:57 am #2363
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterSo moving to see scientists have their theories confirmed (or I should say bolstered, to be a bit more tentative). My son, who went to Stanford, just sent me this video of Andre Linde receiving the news about the gravitational waves detected in the cosmic background radiation, a smoking gun that bolsters the theory of inflation (Big Bang). Linde is the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics, Stanford. Other institutions are looking at the data to analyze its accuracy. More on that later.
From wikipedia: Andrei Dmitriyevich Linde is one of the main authors of the inflationary universe theory, as well as the theory of eternal inflation and inflationary multiverse. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Moscow State University. In 1975, Linde was awarded a Ph.D. from the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow. He worked at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) since 1989 and moved to the USA in 1990 where he became Professor of Physics at Stanford University. Among the various awards he’s received for his work on inflation, in 2002 he was awarded the Dirac Medal, along with Alan Guth of MIT and Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University. In 2004 he received, along with Alan Guth, the Gruber Cosmology Prize for the development of inflationary cosmology. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
March 16, 2014 at 12:24 pm #2327
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterThanks so much Orla!
March 15, 2014 at 8:34 pm #2324
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterYes, absolutely Larry. Please post them on the Network. You can post them as resources and we’ll set up a search protocol so they can be searched as a separate library. But for now you can start adding each one as a resource. Terri MacKensie and Terry Moran will be important for this too. Jean too! Thanks a million. There’s great interest in this.
March 12, 2014 at 10:08 pm #2305
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterDear Rod, Orla and Everyone in other countries. You can watch the COSMOS series here. Please confirm that it works for you.
February 22, 2014 at 12:21 pm #2225
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterMy heart sang a Hallelujuah in reading your post Terri. All of these are important and glorious ideas that we can actually do here on this site. Create and preserve these rituals for all to find. I particularly love you ideas about how to start the day. And the Story Cards. Everything. Terri, can you contact these people and add the rituals yourself or encourage these other people to become members?????
February 12, 2014 at 4:22 pm #2113
Jennifer Morgan (Admin)
KeymasterThanks for this comment Orla, and for the stories of what’s happening in Ireland and India. Please do put together what you can for the ritual library. This would be a huge service.